Pun'kin Pals

Source image and Photoshop CS4
source and photoshop only
Oxy is a name that I had in my mind. He wanted to fly his first space ship, he did not know where to go, so he flew, and flew, and got lost in space. Thanks mqtrf for the pic of the clouds.
From the maelstrom that was creation a Cosmic Dragon brings young worlds to seed the vast universe. I may have read this in Ancient Mythology and remembered the story...or it could have been that mushroom I...uh...never mind.
Hope You like it Friends :)
For: park walk contest
This is my first entry on this site :)
For: park walk contest
The brave sorceress is ready for her most hard test!! No additional sources used.
For: park walk contest
Only source
For: amber contest
Thanks to Mithgariel-stock :)
the white path is from http://www.sxc.hu/pic/m/s/so/socyo/1008940_the_path.jpg
c-reel.com-http://www.flickr.com/photos/c-reel/ Alex Vigovsky-http://macro-photo.deviantart.com/ jlrodriguez01-http://www.flickr.com/photos/jlrodriguez01/ NASA Goddard Photo and Video-http://www.flickr.com/photos/gsfc/ el_finco-http://www.flickr.com/photos/el_finco/ Agata Urbaniak-http://www.sx...
Thanks to MJRanum, Rushpoint Stock and Polinife-Stock.
For: elephant contest
Thanks to Diesel-stock, Wammyp and NightFateStock. :)
For: elephant contest
He always knew that he could fly :)
For: elephant contest
Feeding time ay the park.
For: pigeons contest
Yes....it hurt...but these small sacrifices for the art are worth it! LOL
For: prickly contest