Floating Bench

You never know what kind of surrealism can come out of some pictures.
For: old bench contest
You never know what kind of surrealism can come out of some pictures.
For: old bench contest
Thanks to michaelaw
For: old bench contest
All the stocks: thank you!
For: old bench contest
My street view, refracted into a goblet.
This was shot at Cave Hill Cemetery. Where many monuments and statues were placed for graves.
For: graveyards contest
credits to - http://mmp-stock.deviantart.com/ http://www.obsidiandawn.com/ http://night-fate-stock.deviantart.com/ http://stocked-n-loaded.deviantart.com/
For: mask contest
(No selective colouring here)
For: random art contest
While photographing a new born, His Dog Shadow would not leave the baby "s side,what a great prop!
Machine+Seahorse=Macheahorse Brought to you by the new robotics imaginary company SEAHORSE prototypes. pencil first, then Prismacolor brush marker, Prismacolor marker, Micron pen. No outside sources used except for my brain and my hand.
For: seahorses TD contest
She likes the quiet, dark places. Edit ... added more water and droplets. General clean up ;) Lady is from Chonastock at deviantart ... wonderful stock providers and artists! Background is my own image and can be seen in the SBS #14
For: shell contest
Source Only Inspired by Emily Elizabeth Prozinski's Sculpture work http://sailornibiru1.deviantart.com/art/I-Dream-of-Tia-152718109
Cthulhu f'taghn! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cthulhu
The Crested bird is created from the source roots - feather by feather, and enjoys the cool water in the forest which was a portion of the source photo of roots. Please see SBS for the details. Thanks to Picture Taker at flckr.com for reference source of birds, used ONLY as reference.
No horrors here, just a look at the lighter side of monsters. This little one is really quite friendly. Living in a swamp can be a lonesome life. All source and photoshop except for background.
PHOTOS IN THE SBS ARE ALL MINE (STEPS 1-13) source and my photos
Also used:Milk Carton-http://www.sxc.hu/photo/189279 Dora Mitsonia-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/float Davide Guglielmo-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/brokenarts Ove Topfer-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/topfer Kriss Szkurlatowski-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/hisks Frank alfababy-http://alfababy.devia...
For: kabooza contest
Thanks to jayul and Bobcatnorth
For: shell contest