Don't be afraid, baby

Snowman is trying to protect his dear bunny from Old man winter... No reference used
Snowman is trying to protect his dear bunny from Old man winter... No reference used
Vampires favorite type of moon, this was fun!!! Edited background.....I think it looks better this way, what does everyone else think.
For: vampirize contest
Not an original idea, i know.. but still, i hope you like it :) Thanks to Arya-poenya-stock
Thanks to Lelaina for the pic of the hills. The background is an image I made, using Apophysis, a program that makes these kinds of nice backgrounds. Thanks to Mymy for the pic of the moon. Thanks to mqtrf for the pic of the couple.
For: face reconstruction contest
Thanks to Nightfate Stock... I wasn't planning on uploading this, i'm not very happy with it, so suggestions are welcome.
For: chill statue contest
For: chill statue contest
The statue turned into a Mime artist, a living statue, one that has all the time of the world. Please look at the used sources and high-res before voting. Thanks in advance!
For: chill statue contest
The queen wheeping over her fallen king. Updated version, thanks to Warlock for the suggestions.
For: water contest
Made with skull 1. Used 3 different face-parts. I hope it's not a problem that the mouth is open instead of the closed one of the skull ;)
For: face reconstruction contest
Thanks to the lovely Razor Candi @ deviant art for the permission to use her now deleted stock. See SBS for original stock shot with Permission Email from her allowing the use of her image. Unfortunately, because of one very inconsiderate person in the world making profit off of someones image an...
For: sailing boat contest
Only source and Photoshop
For: sailing boat contest
All sources are mine and are mentioned in the sbs besides the background picture.
Reference image is my SBS Credits to Marcus Ranum -
This is an older picture from the days when i shot with a sony digital mavica. Low megapixels, but amazing results. I never really was disapointed with that camera. Minor contrast adjustments done in lightroom, black levels raised a hair as well. We tried and tried to get this guy to take down a ...
For: spiders contest
Everything is visible in High-res. Please check that first.
For: air crane contest
mechanical pencil 0,7 on paper.
For: realistic insects contest
The image is created with Photoshop and Illustrator. Please see sbs before voring. Thanks:)
my first entry on this website. No outside sources used
For: rooster contest
Be sure to look at the High Res to see smaller details :) Thanks to Madmaven and Blogman
For: loneliness contest