High Voltage

The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, with a little juice thrown in.
For: math contest
The original is "L'innocence" by William-Adolphe Bouguereau. This is my first attempt at digital painting (after having a tablet sitting in the corner for a year) and I have to say I'm very satisfied with the result :) The background was kinda made in a hurry and I'm not gonna have t...
Oh yeah...he's bad.
For: bikes contest
For: bikes contest
I couldn't think of what to add next to the bear, originally i was going to add the legs of a child but that didn't work out too well, so i just added light rays. Any suggestions? Thanks to Mattox
For: undergrowth contest
Thanks to Chulii-stock for her "Misty Mountains"
For: open field contest
no special things on this pix, all done with the basic techniques in doing some manips on pictures. One of many tuts dealing with this kind of photo manips can be found at http://psd.tutsplus.com/tutorials/photo-effects-tutorials/create-a-beautiful-and-dramatic-scene-with-photo-manipulations-basix/
Maybe this is Puff's brother or sister??? All done with source photo except for birds. Middle rock became the dragon. Dragon and ships were all drawn in using the brush tools. Details in SBS Thanks to the following at morguefile: clarita for the flying seagull group, rosevita for the flying sea...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knut_%28polar_bear%29 Knut the polar bear.. very interesting story. Thanks to Drezdany-stocks Please view in high res! :D
My first entry in pxleyes contest... just used some highlight and color mixing to achieve the effect... note: the source image 3(The river) is owned by robertovm from www.sxc.hu and the owner of this file is informed.
Kriss Szkurlatowski-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/hisks matheus nerosky-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/nerosky Freizeitstocker-http://sed-rah-stock.deviantart.com/ Joan-http://spongee0990.deviantart.com/ Thanks guys for the great images...
Searching for morels in the spring was always a spring ritual as our children grew up. Red and white trillium and violets were everywhere. No outside sources were used. All flowers and mushrooms were made with brush, smudge and eraser tools. All details in my SBS. Please enjoy!!
For: undergrowth contest
This entry I made for the water reflection contest, but somehow this contest is more suitable to this image so I decide to submit it here. This work mostly done by blending, nothing special, no distortion or CBR, so you can easily recognize the sources by browsing the links . Thanks to serp-stock,...
For: cloud cities contest
Kids on a ride home to their City in the clouds. Please take a look in high res.
For: cloud cities contest
This is my 50th entry.... and the last one.... Taking a break.. a loooong break..... and good bye to all... miss you... hope I can come back soon......
For: hurrican attraction contest
For: hurrican attraction contest
The source image was begging for this to be done. Nothing but the source used.
For: hurrican attraction contest
Only Source
For: hurrican attraction contest