
Ex-press your sentiments to your ex. Ex-boss, girlfriend, boyfriend in fact it works for any Ex in your life.
Ex-press your sentiments to your ex. Ex-boss, girlfriend, boyfriend in fact it works for any Ex in your life.
cant find any good title =P
For: white rose contest
Gorillas created all with source, faces draw with guidance from reference, thanks to "lbogdan" background thanks to "alitaylor"
For: straw bales contest
PXL Members Contest.... Goal: PXL members donate pictures of themselves, and it is your job to manipulate their images to make them look either good or evil. Chop them into unusual places, mess with their proportions, give them funny costumes... but do not post anything that would be considered of...
For: old contests contest
All the parts of Taj Mahal were cunstructed from the source image (ceiling light). Pattern on the front wall and on the building was made from the bluish bricks. Most of the shapes were created by free transform and warp tools. Multiplying helped as well…burn and dodge at the end, afte...
For: old contests contest
Photoshop CS2, Wacom Intuos3.
For: hurt lyrics contest
No other sources for structure elements used, only textures found at http://www.cgtextures.com Links to textures that were used can be found in the SBS as they were applied. Hope you like it! Thanks
Dodge and burn contest: Goal: Make a square canvas with a grey background and create an image using dodge, burn, and smudge tools only. You can only use these tools, but it is allowed to use external references to base your work on. If you do, don't forget to mention them in your sources or SBS g...
For: old contests contest
Chess pieces created using Cinema 4D.
For: chess pieces contest
Thank you to feelidae for the use of the stock photo 'Coloured horse' and thank you to amcmillan for the stock photo 'Good Fences Make Good Neighbors' these photos were used as a guide to create the Knight.
For: chess pieces contest
For: chess pieces contest
huge 3 player chess... please vote and comment this entry...
For: chess pieces contest
Created with source only.
The adventure through the Darkness forest of Andy the ant with the magic flower... Bee: hey buddy, do you know this is the treasure of the forest? Thanks to stock-feele (DA) for the forest.
whole image created with source and used crack and spiders brushes