The Witch

For: magic contest
Hocus Pocus Potion!
For: magic contest
Dedicate to Krigios, one of the greatest talents I admire in Pxleyes. He has a magic pencil ^^. The only reference is the avatar of Krigios ( I wanna do the other great artists such as Glockman or Roon but I have no idea how they look like (maybe next time :D...
For: magic contest
Only the source image is used
For: wind wheels contest
HB pencil, aquarelle pencils, 0.3 and 0.7 pens used.
Inspired from the Lord of the rings movies... thanks and credits to 'duchesssa', 'salsachica ', 'Magos' and sxc hu Please see the enlarged version before voting...
For: kitchen creatures contest
Thanks to ueckermann, _mutt, duchesssa and EdwinP Inspired by the movie "Finding Nemo"
For: kitchen creatures contest
evolution doesnt have limits
I am almost dead.... to finish this.................!!!!!! please watch the high resolution too...
For: egg contest
Hehehe... Thanks to Anna Paula at Flickr.
For: egg contest
Used layers, styles, brushes, gradient, texture (see credit), dodge and burn, etc.
For: egg contest
Source only used.
For: egg contest
lil cartoonic stuff...:)
For: egg contest
Girl by Gilliann @ DeviantArt Goggles by Fetishfaerie-stock @ DeviantArt Hat by Lindowyn-stock @ DeviantArt Brass Tank by Spud @ stock.xchange Smoke Brushes by Falln-stock @ DeviantArt Metal texture from cgtextures.
For: fences contest
Whole roads surrounding pastures you will find fences where people have retired their old cowboy boots. Interesting site that's for sure.
For: fences contest
Source only, clouds filter for background and soft brushes
For: falcon contest by jusone on sxc
For: falcon contest