Expensive Easter Egg

For: easter eggs contest
For: easter eggs contest
Taken with shutter speed 2s
For: one tree contest
For: one tree contest
For: one tree contest
Only the source was used to create arbor, flowers ducks, lighthouse, sky and water. Please check out SBS.
Used only the source image and photoshop. No additional sources or references.
Honey! We have created a new species.
For: giants contest
Sky Leviathan Time: around 1.5 hours Tools: Photoshop CS 5.1 & graphics tablet
For: giants contest
For: giants contest
Dramatic photograph of leafless tree in beautiful morning sunrise..
For: one tree contest
Arkhangelsk, Russia
For: sandy beach contest
For: sandy beach contest
You never know where the little buggers are hiding! *Link 6 fixed, Thank you!!
For: exploration contest
Thanks to the following at flickr.com: Etrusia UK for the landscape background and doug88888 for the trees. There was an old woman, Who lived in a shoe, She had so many children She didn't know what to do! She fed them some broth Without any bread, Whipped them all soundly, Then sent th...
For: flower power contest
Supplied image used for creating this heavenly picture.
For: red contest
Thanks to dsleeter_2000 at flckr.com for the source photo used for background textures. Source was used for flowers and to get body of birds. Please see SBS for details.
For: red contest
Blended with layer masking. Some photo filters and the dodge and burn tools used also.
For: red contest
For: double exposure 2 contest
Used Divide blend mode.
For: double exposure 2 contest
For: double exposure 2 contest