
Norwich Cathedral was built in 1145, The foundations were layed 30 years after the Norman invasion (1066)and building took 50 years to complete.
I thought maybe only drink would be somewhat boring :D
For: drinks contest
Catch him if you can, but he might eat your boat, your fishing rod, and your lunch.
For: loch ness contest
For: male fairies contest
Sorry It came out so dark! ;o; When I was colouring it, it looked normal, but when I went to look at it on my sister's laptop... er... I guess it looks dark (since my desktop screen is lighter, I guess?). I don't know, I bearly got my new computer! So either way I guess I'm happy~ -- ps. I tried...
For: manga contest
Thanks to tome213 and CGTextures
For: trails contest
All sources used are mine Enjoy!
All Photoshop, No references or outside sources. :)
The image is created with Photoshop and CorelDraw (only for the upper rectangle). Please see sbs and high res before voting
Part butterfly, part iguana.
For: iguana contest
view Highres before voting.
For: iguana contest
Thanks to Gustavo (lu7frb) for two of the butterflies and cmefish for the third one. Also thanks to lyom for the building and Cesar Guillotel for the metal texture.
Flowers and leaves are made from swan's beak and feathers. Thanks to mymy at for the beautiful moon photo. Please see SBS.
For: black swan contest
my photos and source
For: black swan contest