Attack of the Mole Men

They attack at dusk because their weak eyes can't stand the daylight. Why they can build highly advanced drill attack ships but never invented sunglasses remains a mystery.
For: cork screw contest
They attack at dusk because their weak eyes can't stand the daylight. Why they can build highly advanced drill attack ships but never invented sunglasses remains a mystery.
For: cork screw contest
A couple on a romantic trip, for them it's a nice evening 'out' as you can see. Transformed the bulbs into (R2D2's brighter cousin) a bulb person, and pasted it into the background. Applied a cool photofilter and a lens blur to finish Guide will follow later
For: bulb contest
... makes the doctor eat apples with you
For: looking up contest
My dad taught me how to fly a kite and in the spring, you could find me in the field, playing with the wind.
For: spring start contest
Yeah, yeah, I'll get to it. Just as soon as I find my other gardening glove.
For: spring start contest
in spring the lemon tree infront of our house will be covered with butterflies, its a nice time to watch them
For: spring start contest
Only source
For: sun beams contest
Only source photo was used for this entry. Background is chandelier with many conversions and gradient layer added; flowers were formed from chandelier with liquify tool, then lots of work with color changes and brush tools. Please see SBS for details.
For: chandelier contest
Only the source image used
For: chandelier contest
thanks to Werner Kunz (werkunz1) The Dept. Of Defense and Bio-Tech Engineering, Inc. have released another news bulletin stating that due to unforeseen circumstances, the second in a series of bio-mechanical weapons has been prematurely released. The DoD and Bio-Tech have reiterated that there is...
For: chandelier contest
An entry i created 2 years ago for PST. Made a few minor changes since, and thought this fitted the theme nicely.
Please view high resolution.
Used the rule of thirds here to bring focus to the sky which was outstanding this morning on the Bourke River
Maybe if you bent your knees The grass wouldn't seem so far away.
For: bottoms up contest
Only source
For: chandelier contest
Only contest source used. Made this one for my daughter. Thank you for your votes.
For: chandelier contest
big thanks to all those persons by angelcurioso on DeviantArt by mjranum on DeviantArt (i used pictures 3,8,9,13,14) also known as Marcus Ranum
For: chandelier contest
For: body parts contest
Made in 3d max rendered with vray
For: cute alien contest
Only the source image is used.
For: dwarf contest