The Wizard Apprentice

No sources used
This is based on Anne McCaffrey's Pern series.
I wanted to create a fairly normal landscape with some very unusual aspects (Impossible cloud formations and unusual texture for the foreground mountain)
For: coconuts contest
Only the Coconuts source image is used
For: coconuts contest
For: stone hand contest
For: stone hand contest
Just two nuts in love hanging out and holding hands..... :D I used only the source. Hope you like it! =)
For: coconuts contest
This is the result of yellow milk being dripped from a fixed dropper into purple milk. (milk coloured with yellow and black food colouring) The yellow plate is formed by the collision of a falling and a rising droplet.
For: collisions contest
Only the Mixer source image is used
For: mixer contest
All is created from source image and processed in Photoshop CS4
For: mixer contest
For: mixer contest
credits to: orangeacid, Mr Noded for these perfect Flicker photos!
For: flower girl contest
Credit: Thanks to 'SalsolaStock'' for source 1
Many hours spent on this. I think the time spent on it was worth it, as I am very happy with the result. Sources from (thanks Indigo6811) and my own personal images taken in Hawaii. Uploaded a High Resolution to see the image better.
Happy little bugs court each other somewhere in the forest. No other sources used.
For: horse tail contest
No sources used.
For: furniture contest
Sunrise over the river and marsh near my home.
For: january contest
this is the work i rendered in 3ds max and vray.thanx to cg textures and the morguefile for the textures.
For: free for all contest
PLEASE CHECK HIGH-RES FOR DETAILS! No outside sources, 95% of all work just smudge, dodge and burn.
For: glass contest