Waiting for the spring

For: double exposure 2 contest
For: double exposure 2 contest
For: double exposure 2 contest
The blowing hair on the man is part of the background. This is a re-submit, as I used bevel-emboss in the leaves and branches on first draft.
For: background contest
All of entry is done using the source photo. Please see SBS
For: gumdrop tree contest
Lost childhood adventures, Memories lost but not forgotten. Thanks to Friiskiwi for the insperation Thanks to Subflux for the amazing additional source
For: puff puff contest
For: tree roots 2 contest
A magical moment, this hare was sheltering from the the icy cold wind and snow. They are such beautiful and mystical creatures.
Spring vs Winter
For: diptych 2 contest
Bee-Dee Bee-Deep! I come in pieces! Take me to your developer!
For: little wagon contest
Many thanks to SenshiStock for her excellent reference stock and thanks to EveLivesey for the wing stock. I'm putting the URL for the wing here as she doesn't want her work hotlinked: http://evelivesey.deviantart.com/art/Duck-Wing-197642708
For: rivers streams canals contest
Photo references are mine.
For: bugs life contest
For: bugs life contest
This was fun. Grasshopper paradise in a corn field.
For: bugs life contest
This is primarily dodge and burn with a bit of gray scale brush work. No sources used.
For: analog clock contest
lightrays are made with lassotool, filled them with white, gaussian blur, lower opacity
For: skull contest
For: skull contest