please view in high res to see it better.
please view in high res to see it better.
I first carefully selected the merry-go-round in the source image, by using the pen tool. Then I added the trees and gras backround and the clouds and sky. I blended them as good as possible using layer's masks. Colored them and gave them shadows. I added Christmas lights using a very useful PNG f...
For this entry I thought of something different. The top part of the merry-go-round made me think of a hat....so that was my starting point. I found a great portrait photo taken by "Fetishfaerie " on deviantart. I selected all merry-go-round and after that only the top side. I resized it ...
Combination of Photography, 3D modeling/rendering and Airbrush. SBS on its way !!!
For: future views contest
i made this for an old contest back on photoshoptalent.com the task was to photoshop the source image, so i made this (source-only) chop. the original title was "bouquet". i hope it fits this contest as well. ps: i don't have the link to the original source, but it was a source imag...
For: rare flowers contest
Thanks to mjarnum-stock for HIS (thanks vampyriccadence) wonderful May Queen.
For: water lily contest
All is made using the source and PS.
For: chandelier contest
Expedition 205.35 Lost And Presumed Dead - Stardate 45.000/564/68; Set accordingly the first quadrant - On planet coded as AYW-345-435.
For: chandelier contest
The additional source, is my own photo (see SBS). Edited: blurred the edges of the "basket" and added some shade to the lower part of the balloon.
For: leaves contest
First of all I selected the hut by using the pen tool. It was quite a work to get rid of some backround that was still visible through some wood pieces. I selected the moon out of a picture by using the quick selection tool and added onto my hut image. Found a good spot for the moon (top right sid...
For: hut on water contest
I cut pieces from the porcelain pumpkin image, added them onto the stone ball. Colored and added shadows to every element. Added dwarf, added shadows for him, added backround and grass, and colored using a couple of adjustment layers. Added butterflies, galaxies and light beams brushes. Added gra...
For: stone ball contest
After losing another starship and his job, Captain James D. Jirk takes the only job available...Cabbie in a poor quadrant of space. His former first officer, Mr. Spook, took a job at Taco Bell.
For: little train contest
"Where have you gone my dear, it's too hard to live without you by my side." Credits and thanks to: - lisajen-stock (http://lisajen-stock.deviantart.com) - for the lovely model. - night-fate-stock (http://night-fate-stock.deviantart.com) - for the desert ground i was searching for a...
For: cemetery contest
edit: updated...sorry was to late but I was not home this day :)
For: fountain contest
For: pond contest
This another surreal idea...just don't be mad on me :P hehe, have fun! Enjoy! credits and thanks: http://www.cgtextures.com http://starna.deviantart.com http://nestrstock.deviantart.com
all source
For: xmas lights contest
People who think that robots can't be romantic, most likely never saw the original Ancient Victorian SteamBots. You can call yourself very lucky now, because as we speak, we can be witness of one of these Bots - Pol-E Fon the music bot - showing his love by playing a serenade for his sweet Su-C. ...
For: steam punk contest
can a balloon be alone? I think who rise throu the light is never really alone. *source only
all source used one set of brushes http://www.thepixlpusher.com/free-brushes-of-clouds/
For: mask closeup contest