Evening out

For: fashion photography contest
For: fashion photography contest
Drawn with 0.5 mm mechanical pencil on a A4 size paper. Time: around 2 hours
For: surrealism contest
For: decorated initials contest
"We stand upon the precipice of change. The world fears the inevitable plummet into the abyss. Watch for that moment... and when it comes, do not hesitate to leap." - Flemeth
used smoke brush n fire image .. thanks to Thomas Beal (brushking ) for smoke brushes .
For: violin contest
Background inspired by this tutorial http://ooglewindowblinds.com/photoshop-tutorials/design-a-pcb-electric-circuit-matrix
A children's book cover for a book about a bear. In Holland we have a saying, loosly translated as seeing bears on the road, which means that you see problems everywhere. That is what the book is about. I illustrated the bear, and used alien skin eye candy for the fur. Further i adapted the type,...
For: childrens book cover contest
I think I have it right now. frog eyes, owl face, leopard body, mammal, amphibian, and bird
For: gone fishing contest