Love is....

For: red berries contest
Only the source image and PS used.
For: red berries contest
For: red berries contest
Only source image.
For: red berries contest
For: turtle shell contest
Welcome back everyone!
For: bolts contest
It must be his worst nightmare: when Death can has to do his job, getting lost! Ow well, you can't blame him, after all he's not the youngest anymore. No outside sources or references, just the source image and some handdrawing. There's a pretty big High Resolution version available, you'd make ...
For: cursed gold contest
Only the source image is used.
For: gumballs contest
I used the image of a clown and rebuilt it using parts of the source image. I colorized it in a really strong manner as I think clowns are supposed to be all merry and very colorful! I know there is another chop in contest using the same idea, but I was working on mine right when that one got ...
For: gumballs contest
the shape of the tuba reminded me to a shrimp. From now on i will think of seafood when i see such insturment ;) Hope you´ll like it!
For: shiny tuba contest
I have created the skull cups and teapot using the skull from image source. Using warping and resizing I reshaped the skull after the initial shapes of the cups and teapot sources. I didn't quite know what backround to choose for them so I was looking for a cofee table. And then I ran into a great ...
For: cursed gold contest
Sorry the SBS is so long, but I used a lot of different techniques and since this is a learning site....
For: cursed gold contest
credits and thanks Enjoy! Hope you like it!
For: cursed gold contest
All Source except shield Inspired by the skeleton and sindbad fighting scene from the movie "The 7th voyage of Sindbad". Used skeleton reference from Poser software.
For: cursed gold contest
a world full of delicious marbles! oh what a pleasure. also used tuba from shiningtuba contest fixed the handproblem and some details in face
For: gumballs contest
This is first time I tried to make underwater. Source image + flood filter for water top and bottom. SBS is coming... Hope you like it :)
For: gumballs contest
Only source
For: gumballs contest
Source only.
For: gumballs contest
A lot of Liquifying. Please check Hi-Res. :)
For: bolts contest