the hunter and the seal

For: selective coloring 2 contest
For: selective coloring 2 contest
For: selective coloring 2 contest
For: selective coloring 2 contest
For: selective coloring 2 contest
For: selective coloring 2 contest
For: jewelry with a twist contest
All sources from Deviant Art. I didn't like the original so I changed it up. The story goes... Plagued with jealousy of beloved Snow White, the evil queen cast a spell upon her, trapping her for all eternity in an ice cavern wrought with death. To ensure Snow suffered the greatest remorse, the ...
For: different fairy tale contest
Owl and tree are formed from the rocks in the arches source photo. My own photo was used for the background. Thanks to reway2007 at for owl reference photo.
For: double frame contest
the leaf pic is my own as was the sunset and can be found at end of SBS
For: old tractor contest
This little guy is supposed to be hard at work repairing the rocket nozzles but he's always distracted by his curiosity about living creatures much to the annoyance of his supervisor who just can't understand the wacky worker bot.
For: old tractor contest
TITAN: A high priest worshiping Saturn . Titaneans believe that this particular planet hovering above their heads, magnificent, also menacing, is the only deity existing .
On this dusty, hot planet it's important to filter the air and stay cool. The sand runners do this with elongated snouts that have nostrils lined with hair like filaments that filter the air, long legs that keep them well above the hot sand and perhaps their most unusual feature, air sacs. These ai...
Would aliens have pets? I like to think they would.
the cave dweller live in huge caves because of the heat on oxion g3, they eat and digest the rock for the minerals, they have made huge caverns all over the planet making more space for their off springs in the process, the very long range future is bleak . they will eventually devour there own hab...