Columbia overlook

For: park bench contest
For: park bench contest
For: park bench contest
sheer desperation
For: dogs 2 contest
Positioned just under an outside house spot, What a magnificant example of nature's engineering capability.
Thanks to zatrokz: and Warrenski:
For: mechanical contest
For: mechanical contest
For: all you need is love contest
For: all you need is love contest
Thanks to photographer Safari11 for great-looking sandcastle.
Girl On Shore - ? Girl Unsure. My take on Through the Looking Glass, a.k.a. Alice in Wonderland. (Crack brush from Brusheezy) Additional sources: 11. pedestal top - thanks Ken_Mayer 12. p...
What if in the not too distant future life as we know it comes to an end. By natural means, invaders from the unknown or by our own hand. The only ones left will be the machines we built to serve us, witness to a barren, desolate world with no one left to serve. I wanted to show a different take...
For: doom contest
Thanks to artists off of DA for there wonderful stock.. Used 4 of my images as well
Originally meant for the Movie Animals Contest but I was too late to enter. I couldn't use a muppet so I created Kermit as a real frog coloring him Kermit green.