Alice in wonder land...

This is Kansas City Missouri's Performing Art's Center. Pretty unique building as far as design goes. I highly recommend taking a trip there if you are in Kansas City just to take a look inside. Olympus E 300 F/16 ISO 100 14mm Focal Length Used a tripod and cable release to prevent camera...
Watching water into a pool is so majestic
For: upside down contest
Transportation and recreational flying all at one city... at the top of the world.
For: fruit crate labels contest
For: fruit crate labels contest
Thanks to iscott
For: fruit crate labels contest
Quafelik knows light sabres inside and out. Need a repair? He can even pimp out your light sabre!
For: star wars character contest
It is so difficult to work with water!! This is my 2nd job partially underwater, and still isn't good! but I1ll keep practicing! Thanks to thinkGIMP!
For: the hand contest
Since I never got to finish my entry for Mars colony last week I have decided to take part of it. The Alien Power Hub and adapt it for this contest. The glowing object is the core. A fusion reactor balanced by the magnets all the way around. They also pull the power from the orb and transmit it wi...
For: glowing contest