Honey Delight

I've added the permission for the airplane in the SBS. Sorry for the mistake, I didn't noticed it was needed, I was pretty sure it was free use outside Deviant. Sorry mods :)
For: edimobiles 2 contest
I've added the permission for the airplane in the SBS. Sorry for the mistake, I didn't noticed it was needed, I was pretty sure it was free use outside Deviant. Sorry mods :)
For: edimobiles 2 contest
Still Life With Fruit, Game, Vegetables and Live Monkey, Squirrel and a Cat (circa 1637) Artist: Frans Snyders Apparently the fruits and animals have symbolic meaning, eg. the monkey represents evil I chose this painting because it just looks bizarre (and I like a challenge!) Additional Sourc...
For: painting recreate contest
Guardian of responsible beer drinkers everywhere!
For: alfa beer contest
I've always loved old fashioned hot rods. Now instead of chopping cars for real (as we used to call it) I do my chopping with Photoshop.
For: alfa beer contest
For: dancing contest
If the night turned cold and the stars looked down And you hug yourself on the cold cold ground. You wake the morning in a stranger's coat, No one would you see. You ask yourself, who'd watch for me? My only friend, who could it be? It's hard to say it, I hate to say it, but it's probabl...
For: anonymous portraits contest
For: anonymous portraits contest
For: anonymous portraits contest
For: anonymous portraits contest
I felt dizzy after running and headbanging so many times to get a decent shot. lol
For: anonymous portraits contest
For: anonymous portraits contest
Cons: My wife snapped a photo on her smart phone of me with my pants down unawares while i was taking this shot. She sent it to her friends!!!
For: jeans contest
:) Only Photoshop. Blending option. Brush. Pen and selection tool. and Color Filling.......!i!
For: compact animals 2 contest
For: compact animals 2 contest
The compact giraffe on the right was created from the full size giraffe on the left. I forgot the rose link, so here it is: http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml?f=view&id=1334855, thanks ime
For: compact animals 2 contest
Thanks to CAStock, OsorrisStock, night-fate-stock, David Edwards, Don Coyote and PirateLotus-Stock.