Devils' Play

it's not their playground - they love to play with this.
it's not their playground - they love to play with this.
mantis vs rhino beetle -hope you enjoy . check SBS for how I made it ! IMPORTANT: go for high res!
For: architectural symmetry contest
go for high resolution friends :-D
For: architectural symmetry contest
For: architectural symmetry contest
I will not justify my failures and lack of creativity, but the given source is in poor quality! How difficult! Thank yo: Jaymasse Lisajen Silja Erg
Credits to faestock boogy man
The image is created in photoshop and illustrator, using the source image. Please see the sbs before voting
For: kettle contest
For: kettle contest
I searched "Red Dream"... Credits and thanks to: Zorislav Stojanovic Pinkat extranoise kovamyrsky es Nikokunze billerr
For: ps tournament 3 round 1 contest
I typed "Flying Baloon", but a simple misspelling helped me to find what I was looking for! :)
For: ps tournament 3 round 1 contest
Make-up : Ligia Chira Model : Heni Takas Photographer: Me :)
For: makeup mania contest