Let's Talk

For: klettern verboten contest
Tks to: James Robertson http://www.sxc.hu/profile/jxr006 Squid http://squidlarkin.deviantart.com/ Heather http://xkenren.deviantart.com/ Fantasy-Stock http://fantasystock.deviantart.com/
For: klettern verboten contest
Thanks to: tazzmanian(sxc), inkpenofdeath & anyman82. motion blur used to give the effect of wind.
For: klettern verboten contest
A primordial world where humans and dinosaurs survive together. Very much like a Frazetta scenario. Sorry Lelaina but climbing is required for this one. Pterodactyl is from Flickr by Will Spaetzel www.flickr.com/photos/redune/4174425/sizes/o/in/photostream
For: klettern verboten contest
go for high resolution friends sources 9 and 10 www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=50326&PHPSESSID=l0i5nree2t80rtnb4gfj8nrik2 http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=50334&PHPSESSID=l0i5nree2t80rtnb4gfj8nrik2
For: klettern verboten contest
Cat and Background from tobiastoft at sxc.hu Guy and Girl from b-e-c-k-y-stock at DeviantArt. High Resolution uploaded as the compression kills the detail.
For: shrunk 2 contest
A little boy afraid of darkness in his room,just a small light to protect him..
Burj Khalifa coordinates: 25°11′49.7″N 55°16′26.8″E [ 5 shots merged using Photoshop CS5 ]
For: gps tagged contest
N48 51'26.47" E2 17'40.32" Once every hour the tower has a spectacular light show.
For: gps tagged contest
For: gps tagged contest
47°29'7" N 13°11'40" E
For: gps tagged contest
a wazir of junagadh State 21.527519 , 70.460228
For: gps tagged contest
Veer Hamir Ji gohil were a Emperor of Somnath who Fought Against the Mugals for Saving Somnath Temple 20.887264,70.40562
For: gps tagged contest
All that remains of the Glasgow Royal Maternity Hospital at Rottenrow
For: ruins contest
The ruins of Duffus Castle in Morayshire, Scotland
For: ruins contest
Constructed in the first half of the 13th century, Elgin Cathedral was abandoned at the time of the Scottish Reformation in 1560. After the removal of the lead from the roof in 1567, the cathedral fell steadily into decay.
For: ruins contest
A dramatic sky over the ruins of St. Bridget's convent in Tallinn, Estonia
For: ruins contest
A short-lived but spectacular display of the sun's interplay with the clouds. Camera settings were not at their optimum at the time so apologies for the quality.