Junior Jumping Spider

Canon 350D+Hélios 44m 58mm+Macro tube 60mm F/8 1/500
Just wanted to have a little fun.
For: in chains contest
“The four companions from the ‘pxl world’ are on a treasure hunt. There are many hidden in the jungle. But they have the Magical pxl bolt which emerges light when the treasure is near. oh.. yeah.., the bolt is glowing, they found the first one … Hmmm… Mr. b...
For: Ps Tournament 1 finals contest
• I have search everywhere through this site and found nothing about contest with the theme of PXL birthday, but after looked at the pxleyes team about, it gave me the reason to dedicate my entry as a celebration of pxleyes birthday which mentioned on April 2006 by Mister Monty’s about....
For: Ps Tournament 1 finals contest
Trouble is lurking behind, literally, the yet-to-be-great wizard Rab who, despite his fellow apprentices' warnings, tried out some shadow summoning magic from the forbidden spell book. Where is the great master wizard when you need him??
For: Ps Tournament 1 finals contest