Soakin in

For: all wet 2 contest
Bubble brush and the paper airplane is my own resource [see SBS].
Miniature Locobot in a Wild West setting. I sketched the legs for the bot using my Cintiq. Using the sketch as a guide, I created a whole lot of paths for all the parts of the legs and used these as vector masks for different parts of the source images. After the legs were blocked in with parts ...
For: steam power contest
• Ecclesiastes 3 : 1 • • A Time for Everything • • There is a time for everything,and a season for every activity under the heavens: The Surrealism Project was inspired by the Ecclesiastes from the Bible, the Tree of Life is like a Tree of Wisdom and Knowledge. I...
"Time - He's waiting in the wings He speaks of senseless things His script is you and me, boy Time - He flexes like a whore Falls wanking to the floor His trick is you and me, boy" [David Bowie - Time] Clouds: my own resource posted in the SBS as required.
copied the niagra falls, free transform, flip horizontal
Special thanks to Zsolt Zatrok: Terri Heisele:
Thanks to: Thanks to:
I rarely do these kind of Image manipulations... I hope this works.... :D Please see the high-resolution..
Located at the center of the Milky Way, this constellation is believed to be the location of a supermassive black hole.
Thanks to Paul Stevenson @ flickr, Jacklail @ flickr, Frans @ flickr, Tim Green @ flickr, xstockx @ Deviantart, 23narchy @ flickr, johnwobert @ flickr, kjherstin-stock @ Deviantart, hc-stock @ Deviantart, turtledove-stock @ Deviantart, and AnneWillems-stock @ Deviantart
It can be magic or treacherous...
Tribute to Mr. Porter. All sources are mentioned, all other parts are self made.
Thanks to Marcus J. Ranum (mjranum-stock) on DeviantArt for stock sources.
Apart from the photos, some parts are drawn.