Troubles of a Traveler

Original image was composed of three bracketed shots and merged with Photomatix for the HDR image.
I had a bit too much fun making these little wire dudes ;)
Journal entry date 11.27.2311 This new species, which we fondly call the skunk cat (feteo beatitas Holdenii), was discovered quite unintentionally by our colleague Dr. Farnic Holden. As he relates to us (from a fair distance), he was gathering specimens from a fly trap thicket when the skunk cat sud...
For: huge spider contest
In Etruscan mythology, Thesan was the goddess of the dawn and was associated with the generation of life. She was identified with the Roman Aurora and Greek Eos. -I Made some changes
For: oops contest
Thanks to NASA's Marshall Space Center at for the sky background; to sleight82 at for the pinetree source; Birds and fruit are all drawn with brush tools. Please see SBS
This work should be finished for the mod birthday contest but I didn't have enough time to finish it. 100% done by digital drawing. Happy belated birthday Lelaina and MnMCarta :) References for this works are portrait photos of our two Mods plus our beloved Admin, Mr.M (as you can see in the cloud ...
...this isn't going to end well."
For: model road contest
For: chairs contest
For: traces 2 contest
Books 1- Books 2- Books 3-
For: owl face contest
Not only we have to deal with the crisis, in the Fantasy World it's not much different... This drawing is made with Indian ink, using a pen and brush (for washed ink). I used some references for the pose of both the warriors, the warriors design and the rest are own design. The small version do...
Thanks to Julia Starr: It's not like I wanted, but ... ONE OF THE DOORS ARE MY OWN STOCK. CHECK SBS.