Gourdgeous Goose Family

Thanks to nieve44 at flickr.com for the background garden source. Dried tree and geese are all from source photo.
Thanks to nieve44 at flickr.com for the background garden source. Dried tree and geese are all from source photo.
used the pen tool to cut out the honey image. created a gradient radial background. added grass. added trees one by one and placed shadows with the black brush tool. added a bluish color to the botom part to look like water and overlayed fish one by one. added seagals around and blurred them with ga...
For: honey drip contest
i removed the light reflections on the honey as asked by some viewers. tks for the tip guys
For: honey drip contest
Used sources in the Contest Link Credit for the lyrics goes to Edison Lighthouse
Elke and Amanda wish you both a great and happy birthday, may all your wishes come true :D
Used sources in the Contest Link Credit for the wishes goes to Me :)
Images supplied with 'How to Cheat in Photoshop CS3' room courtesy of Chris Martin 2 girls and man, courtesy of Photos.com Photo of Mr Monty, borrowed from this site. Hat drawn in PS
Happy birthday Lelaina and MnMCarta
... all ve happiness... all ve sadness... all ve tears... da black tears...
Private Baldrick:"Funny thing is, my father was a nun." Captain Edmund Blackadder:"No he wasn't." Private Baldrick:"He was so sir. I know, because whenever he was up in court, and the judge used to say occupation, he'd say none."
I wanted to do something that would tell a story and use the two women to tell the story. I have a thing for fairytales and after going through the photos they provided, I thought of this.
I found a great source image and just went from there...I do wish she had a head haha but oh well I think the composition worked out in the end. The card source images are in the SBS and I didn't end up using the rabbit in the final picture so I wasn't sure if I needed the link but I gave it just in...
For: wonderland contest
Thanks to Gareth Weeks: http://www.sxc.hu/profile/garwee Julia Star (Night-Fate): http://night-fate-stock.deviantart.com/
Thanks to mqtrf for the pic of the cemetery bench, also thanks to missy, for the pic of the forest.
Thanks to aswinkb at flickr.com for the guitar and to theclyde at flickr.com for the accordian. Thanks to ingridtaylow at flickr.com for the fllying crow;and to jpmckenna at flickr.com for the standing crow.
These scarecrows are on the prowl. They like to be out and about in the nightlife. They need to work on their approach to be 'chick magnets'. The scarecrow on right is telling the left one to 'lose the bird and act cool.' Please see high res before voting. Thanks.
5 x 5 grids of Smoke Photography
Who can decipher the secret message? -SPOILER- Congrats to Lelaina for figuring it out. Other's should not look at the comments if you want to figure it out for yourself.