Fly with the wind

The delicious Pistachio!
For: oh nuts contest
For: water fountains 2 contest
For: water fountains 2 contest
I saw the wonderful textures in the source and naturally thought of dragon skin and shiny horns! So I spent hours turning the source into this guy!!!
For: power supply contest
Thanks to NASA for the wonderful photo of the Lagoon Nebula.
For: power supply contest
Just the source
For: power supply contest
"Nine out of ten people like chocolate. The tenth person always lies." - John Q. Tullius
For: carl warner contest
I should have stopped at the compleated image but I just had to see how it looked as a real book.
For: golden bird contest
"A certain king had a beautiful garden, and in the garden stood a tree which bore golden apples. These apples were always counted" thankyou: totgstock.deviantart starbl00d-stock.deviantart. lilystox.deviantart. swashbuckler.deviantart. dreamrose-stock.deviantart. tatt2dchic.devia...
For: golden bird contest
thanks to : (Lonnie Bradley) (margarit ralev) http://gothicjadestock....
For: gone bad contest
Thanks to emik at for the texture photo used in background. Weather vane is my own photo, and the rest of image is created from source photo.
For: duck house contest
I learned a lot about mating dragonflys today. Check out the SBS.
For: macro bugs 3 contest
And apparently one whose biological clock is ticking! I'm pretty sure the eggs and moth weren't related but someone looks pretty motherly!
For: macro bugs 3 contest
For: macro bugs 3 contest
For: macro bugs 3 contest
I can see you! Do you always dress like that?
For: macro bugs 3 contest