Old boat in silent waters

Special thanks to TERRI HEISELE for clouds 1: http://www.sxc.hu/profile/madmaven And to discordiA-stock for the beach: http://discordia-stock.deviantart.com/
For: arche noah contest
Special thanks to TERRI HEISELE for clouds 1: http://www.sxc.hu/profile/madmaven And to discordiA-stock for the beach: http://discordia-stock.deviantart.com/
For: arche noah contest
Thanks to mqtrf and Artgirl1935 for the pics used in the making of this entry.
For: arche noah contest
elephant- http://www.flickr.com/photos/pierre_pouliquin/2812916189/ jugglers- http://www.flickr.com/photos/socialeurope/4754815996/
For: arche noah contest
For: swan closeup contest
hey friends... meet this baby elephant. he thinks nothing is impossible huhh.. someone should explain him that "this thing is not possible" thanks and credit to jpaulocv http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1347676
thanks for the great images to carlosfr, mzacha, micky007, macleod, elkojote and gobran111
For: strange architecture contest
thanks to mjranum http://mjranum-stock.deviantart.com/art/Art-nudes-Y-1-103976579?q=gallery%3Amjranum-stock%2F1854061&qo=7 hisks http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1066799
For: strange architecture contest
Source image, Photoshop and Illustrator
For: strange architecture contest
here i used only the source and my photos
For: coast view contest
You don't see them perch that often - about the size of my thumb.
One of my 3 frogs
For: ranidaphobia contest
Kiss me.
For: ranidaphobia contest
This toad was so patient with me! My hubbi spotted him in the yard, he stood guard while I ran to get my camera. I laid on the ground and scooted close and closer to the frog and he never moved until I was done. :)
For: ranidaphobia contest