For: hawkbit contest
I felt that this competition wasn't dark enough yet. EDIT: People complained that they couldn't recognize any part of the original image in my picture so I decided to destroy my picture, and the best to destroy anything is by blowing it up! Thank you very much to Dawn Endico who posted the sku...
For: hawkbit contest
sources used: "Various0442" from cgtextures.com: http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=24920&PHPSESSID=f458fd4c377d93879ec6662c12cecfd6
Used two photos of my own, and credited the brushes on the SBS.used the picture of the radishes for the planet.
Pretty Flowers in a Bowl. Only the source used.
***I had to change my background grass texture, the new source is listed below as #2***** Not as long a source list as I thought: "Fairy Tunes" by ~atistatplay at deviantart.com: http://atistatplay.deviantart.com/art/fairy-tunes-71319411 "Grass " by DaveNeukirch on Flick...
For: bird house contest
For once i decided to make something without people.. As soon as i saw the bird house this is the image that came to mind. Thanks to Spiteful-Pie-Stock@Deviantart Peace-of-art@deviantart Fairiegoodmother@Deviantart
For: bird house contest
emergency escape hole :)
Thanks to Obsidian Dawn for the bubbles brush
Only the source image is used.
no external sources.
no external sources.
For: wet leaves contest
House on the haunted land.
For: wet leaves contest
Thanks to: - *fetishfaerie-stock (http://fetishfaerie-stock.deviantart.com) - msmaiden (http://msmaiden.deviantart.com) - *lilnymph (http://lilnymph.deviantart.com)
For: wet leaves contest
Source only...with reference file noted in source links. Simple togetherness...a special moment.
source and lots of egg shapes and two hand pics
Used only one other source, another fly....duplicated corn kernels to form the computer.
For: fly on corn contest
"You!!! You bloody little cheater!!!" * no external sources.
For: balloons contest
Only source image in the final result. Outside source used as ref is my own picture. Please view in high resolution.