He plays with cameras

He hangs out here a lot.
For: caricature 3 contest
He hangs out here a lot.
For: caricature 3 contest
Yeah, yeah, I'll get to it. Just as soon as I find my other gardening glove.
For: spring start contest
Time can fly, time can run, time can crawl... But sooner or later you will experience this little moment where the time stands still, where you are able to capture it, look at it from all sides and hold it in your hand. Maybe just for a minute. Maybe even just for a second. But it will feel ...
For: boy london contest
Thanks to Zela and Marcus Ranum (http://www.ranum.com/) king - http://www.sxc.hu/photo/603938 man - http://mjranum-stock.deviantart.com/art/Violince-146480074 metal texture - http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=19965&PHPSESSID=f923850c30bb6b9b8f26ba86ba7727df queen - http://ww...
For: surrealism contest
An oldie from the PST times Thanks to Andeyutzu, Escerna and Danielle20 from SCX and to Paulo Brandao from Flickr.
For: surrealism contest
source and my pics
For: camel head contest
Happy little bugs court each other somewhere in the forest. No other sources used.
For: horse tail contest
From the Brothers Grimm. Entry all created in Photoshop. No external sources, references or brushes, just the default stuff that PS offers. See further in the SBS. Please watch in HiRes before vote, thank you.
For: fairy tales contest
acrylic on paper 29x19 cm
For: sea shores contest
Well known around here
to all.
For: fan penguins contest
This was so much fun!
For: mandala contest
This is blending of 15 teddy bears and a lot of other stuff. I have also added fairy dust and color tone. Please enjoy the teddy bear picnic:) There isn't room for all sources in the form, so here are the rest of them: bear1: http://www.flickr.com/photos/robertfrancis/3520390 91/ bear...
For: teddybears picnic contest
one of my old entries http://cgarena%20%20creating%20soap%20bubblespart1.mht/ bubbles created using the above tutorial.... http://alfoart.com/the_sunken_ship_1.html above tutorial followed.... moss brushes and crack brushes from www.obsidiandawn.com
For: tourist ship contest
"End your games, pack your stuff, unload yourself, fire the guns, WE ARE HOME" Source only. No Preference. Explore the highres, there is alot to see. :-) *Bonus in the last sentences of my SBS ;-)
Drawn in photoshop
For: attacking objects contest
In case you weren't sure yet, aliens do exist à nd they know the way to planet Earth! The humans hoped they came with the world peace where they longed to for so long already, but nope...these aliens -the Blurks- just want to take over the world, which they did pretty successful too! All the world...
The best way to surprise the 7 Dwarfs is to give them cake after a long day of working. So that's what Slowwhipe does! She's barely in the mine or Gula is already jumping into the cake to eat it all alone. Ira, also hungry, gets furious! Acedia doesn't care much and just continues sleeping. Luxuria ...
For: deadly sins contest