Damn It!! This Is How I Walk Straight.

For: cyclops contest
For: cyclops contest
in case you have wondered
For: it has legs contest
the leaf pic is my own as was the sunset and can be found at end of SBS
For: old tractor contest
For: labeled cow contest
Garden of Eden revisited
For: human animal contest
my fence picture can be found at end of SBS
For: human animal contest
this was a game I loved on my commodore 64 ( it was on Atari also) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jumpman
For: real retrogames 2 contest
SBS is a quick one .... running outta time..apology
For: yin and yang contest
Answer in SBS
For: misheard lyrics 2 contest
had to replace robin due to a unforeseen layer of interpretation/understanding
For: easter eggs contest
It has to be seen in high res to be appreciated car picture my own and is found in first step of SBS
For: zero gravity contest
A child can see many things we are socialized to overlook.
For: dead tree contest
Every day we face choices... which way to go . which door to open .... once it closes there is no turning back I have placed all the door links with SBS 2 and SBS3
I have used a few of my own pictures and they can be found at the beginning of the SBS
Be careful so it doesn't break.
For: glassified contest
quote is something like " it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" sorry but had to redo the hand and build fingers
have things really changed, we still like to relax and listen to music white paper texture http://www.flickr.com/photos/photoshoproadmap/3368543801/
For: to burn contest
just because all I know is I have a mess of cables. not really sure what else Additional Sources elephants http://www.flickr.com/photos/nh53/5185098493/ Lion http://www.flickr.com/photos/leszekleszczynski/5483083986/ Alligator http://www.flickr.com/photos/vmiramontes/3628147458/
Some choices are easier to make than others Base pic is mine..since it is shown in picture did not see the need to place in SBS
For: opposites contest