
he had been working on Rex most of the day and decided to go fishing...that was 3 weeks ago... base my pic of my daughter's dog "Shamus" special thanks to Micheal O.. fantastic work
For: robopets contest
he had been working on Rex most of the day and decided to go fishing...that was 3 weeks ago... base my pic of my daughter's dog "Shamus" special thanks to Micheal O.. fantastic work
For: robopets contest
one can never forget the feeling when ever you do this
For: pashmina contest
nice to know your destination before hand my pic for sunset in SBS3 changed train
For: mix of three contest
yes another vampire movie
For: dress up contest
humming bird balance is important background pic my own
For: beaver tails contest
Be careful when crossing roadways ;-)
For: beaver tails contest
Always good to take the kids with you ;-)
For: hot air contest
the back could be the other side of the earth and people could mark their approx. location
For: pxl on tour contest
Some aren't meant for summer
we are always looking for a better runner
For: shoe fantasy contest
U need a well stocked closet I have included a few feet sources and my own shoe photo in the SBS because of room limitations
For: shoe fantasy contest
doesn't bite..vegitarian
For: new species contest
just don't see these much anymore desert scene was my own pic from Pheonix
For: new species contest
brief case-thks erratic-stock http://erratic-stock.deviantart.com/art/old-case-stock-4-178852077?q=boost%3Apopular%20in%3Aresources%20brief%20case&qo=0 money-thks amagill http://www.flickr.com/photos/amagill/3366720659/ path-thks grandstrides http://www.flickr.com/photos/grandstride...
For: smurfs contest
ever had this feeling ?
For: palindromes contest
For: sea monsters contest
more drumsticks... tastes like chicken
For: young again contest
It was interesting.. found the younger you wish to make them you have to lose the porous skin... would make a better pic if you could have borrowed skin,,but that was the challenge...
For: young again contest
I had more duplication groups then i thought possible...and pasted most of the balloons one at a time making them fit...
Title says it all Van was given, used #5
For: van graffiti contest
For: impossible reality contest