
For: selective desaturation contest
Took this when I first got my DSLR... almost two years ago now. Just figured out how to make them HDR.
For: hdr only contest
For: selective desaturation contest
I moved to the UK this year and had to leave a lot of my favorite things back home. However a friend of mine made me my own little TARDIS out of TicTac boxes for Christmas!
For: my favorite chachki contest
I moved to London this year to attend a post-grad course at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. It's been quite an amazing year for me creatively as it was also the year I've just gotten into night photography and playing with light patterns. So out of all of the amazing photos I've manage...
For: best of 2013 contest
The Peter Iredale was a steel barque that ran aground near Astoria Oregon on Oct. 25 1906. It is the most accessible shipwreck in the Pacific Graveyard (the area near the mouth of the Columbia River). The captain of the ship, H. Lawrence, remarked on the wreck, "May God bless you, and may your...
For: rust contest
Wells Cathedral. Wells England 2011
For: perspective contest
bit of old farm equipment left out to weather
For: rust contest
Southeastern Oregon March 2013
For: perspective contest
Old hotel sign found in Boise Idaho last spring
For: vignetting contest
Roslyn, Washington was the main filming location for the US television series "Northern Exposure" (it was meant to be a place called Cicely, Alaska in the show). The mural was one of the main features and a plot device in the show's really pretty too!
For: snow 3 contest
Found at Pike's Place Market in Seattle, WA
For: neon signs 2 contest
For: measuring instruments contest