60 comments given:
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Nice idea, keep it up!

(5 years and 3609 days ago)

Portal to Paradise
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Hi there author, yes it's me here as well. Nice image ; )

(5 years and 3611 days ago)

Pelangi Centipede
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Nice image but agree with reflection. ; )
On the entry page below the actual entry slot is choices for Hi Res and below it for step by step how it was done.
After entered look under mystuff and contest

(5 years and 3611 days ago)

Pelangi Centipede
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Very nice!

(5 years and 3615 days ago)

Wet soul and light body
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

All it has to do is start moving!! Nicely done! ; )

(5 years and 3616 days ago)

avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Ditto on this one, you are trying every 3d prog. I would love to know which works easiest. I'm fooling with 3d model and diving into blender so maybe one day I'll be brave enough to enter here. ; )

(5 years and 3619 days ago)

Wooden Castle
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Bravo I agree on seeing you work your butt off and learning as you go, keep swinging it gives incentive to us who are only considering 3d stuff. ***** 5 stars too you. ; )

(5 years and 3619 days ago)

My castle
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Don't forget the sharp line by the lowest lip!! ; )

(5 years and 3619 days ago)

Weird face
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Very neat use of source! ; )

(5 years and 3628 days ago)

Electric Flower
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Very nice look and feel. ; )

(5 years and 3634 days ago)

First Lessons
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Very nice piece!

(5 years and 3634 days ago)

avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Nice idea but the steam need some more blurring, edges showing! ; )

(5 years and 3635 days ago)

Hot Drink
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Nice idea but the liquid looks solid! ; )

(5 years and 3635 days ago)

avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Vey Nice! ; )

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

Road to Morocco
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Nice idea. But agree if they were facing each other the idea of struggling with ageing would be more apparent. ; )

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

Time Marches On
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Nice background but the eyes on the ball need something they look so dead. ; )

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Nice idea and put together nicely, one suggestion, consider darkening the contrast to help carry across the emotion of the struggle!

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Funny idea!

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Nice idea but agree about the boat angle, to see that much into the boat you would have to be farther above the boat or it would be leaning a lot towards the viewer

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Nice details!

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Very nice! ; )

(5 years and 3639 days ago)

flower on the wall
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Very nice! ; )

(5 years and 3640 days ago)

avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Nice classy piece! ; )

(5 years and 3640 days ago)

Soft Light
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Very nice idea,But 1 suggestion, raise the line where the water and wall meet, now it distracts from the fountain, if raised it would look like the back wall ceiling meeting behind fountain and not distract from main focus point. ; )

(5 years and 3640 days ago)

Taking a Dip
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Good idea but you need more depth and heigth on the tunnel. ; )

(5 years and 3641 days ago)

avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Very nice idea, but he should watch those rough edges. ; )

(5 years and 3641 days ago)

avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

So he can never use the peace sign?? ; )

(5 years and 3642 days ago)

Hand Gun
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Nice idea, Rotors could be bigger and more visable. ; )

(5 years and 3644 days ago)

avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Really nice idea, pretty, reflections do seem a little strong. ; )

(5 years and 3644 days ago)

The Venus of Willendorf 2010
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Neat idea, there is never enough scifi images. ; )

(5 years and 3644 days ago)

Voyage to the Cork Nebula
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Nice idea!! ; )

(5 years and 3644 days ago)

The Pioneer
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Very nice, it came out nice, but the eyes could use a touch to make it really wow! ; )

(5 years and 3644 days ago)

avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Very Nice!

(5 years and 3645 days ago)

Butterfly Repair
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Really nice on rider and ridee as well as ground, but the clouds do take away a little from the rest. ; )

(5 years and 3649 days ago)

Upon the hill...
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Neat idea but could use some more details. ; )

(5 years and 3649 days ago)

Zippy Zippo
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Very nice image the tire spots bugged me a little though they seem to down play the rest. ; )

(5 years and 3650 days ago)

avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Nice idea well put together, but think about some details like shadows and softening background for depth and what is it standing on?? ; )

(5 years and 3650 days ago)

Made in London
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Something to remember a reflection of cabinet won't be showing through the big bowls reflection. ; )

(5 years and 3651 days ago)

New dishes
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Nice piece but no floor surface does seem odd?? ; )

(5 years and 3652 days ago)

avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Neat idea but think about having the eye focus on the main focal point (the glass) with shadows and softening focus on things further away and closer. ; )

(5 years and 3652 days ago)

avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Nice pieces but the shelf needs to be reflected on floor and try slight difference in shading of shelves surfaces and shadows on background piece they would leave. ; )

(5 years and 3652 days ago)

New dishes
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Really nice piece just a little dark on my monitor. ; )

(5 years and 3652 days ago)

avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Nice background and wings are sharp and crisp, face soft, think about using spherize for sharper rounded images. Suggestion only! ; )

(5 years and 3655 days ago)

Sun Medallion
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Nice idea. Missing a post though. And watch reflections. ; )

(5 years and 3657 days ago)

Under pressure
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Nice idea but missing the 3rd post. ; )

(5 years and 3657 days ago)

avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Neat idea but it does seem a little dark to me. ; )

(5 years and 3657 days ago)

avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Nice construction from original. ; )

(5 years and 3658 days ago)

Golden carousel
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Now I'm new here but what I don't understand is why usually everyone yells when there isn't a step by step how I did it. Then other times not a peep from the same people who usually toot the horn loudly??? Newbie wondering??

(5 years and 3658 days ago)

Welcome To
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Here is but 1 tutorial on making nice glass balls. http://www.lunacore.com/photoshop/tutorials/tut009.htm

(5 years and 3658 days ago)

trap door
avatar Martrex
Martrex says:

Funny idea, Maybe think about softening lines and edges of Snowman because of defusion of glass layer?? ; )

(5 years and 3659 days ago)

let me out