15 comments given:
avatar MisCapasVivas

I like it. The textures and the blue/ white compliment each other nicely!

(5 years and 2741 days ago)

Weather beaten
avatar MisCapasVivas

Love the colors of this rose! Beautiful and unique!

(5 years and 2741 days ago)

Blueberry Hill
avatar MisCapasVivas

Cool! I likes! (next time play around with shadows + lighting as I feel it wouldve looked even MORE believable if you had done so as the "beast" is a little lighter than his foreground/ background)

(5 years and 2743 days ago)

End of the Trail
avatar MisCapasVivas

Kudos! Almost executed perfectly but the two last horns on the left needed more careful attention when blending to the cow.

(5 years and 2743 days ago)

8 horns cow
avatar MisCapasVivas

I can see what you tried to do, but some reason looks more like a flap of meat hanging... A shadow casting from the flap of skin couldve made it a bit more realistic.

But... I feel for that poor cow ;P

(5 years and 2743 days ago)

avatar MisCapasVivas

Imaginative!... My honest opinion too, Don't know how but perhaps could've been executed a little better. Perhaps next time play around a little with belnding modes, lighting, etc?

Otherwise cool!

(5 years and 2743 days ago)

Red Lightning Cow
avatar MisCapasVivas

Classic photoshoptalent.com stuff
Well done!

(5 years and 2743 days ago)

On the Wall
avatar MisCapasVivas

I really love this one! And I actually like the Picasso siggy. Sure looks a little, "off" but one thing I love about Picasso is he almost NEVER followed the rules so...Well done.

(5 years and 2743 days ago)

avatar MisCapasVivas

Im with CMYk46. A lot of these entries do NOT have a sufficient SBS to show how things were done, none the less this ones really creative! I likes! lol

(5 years and 2743 days ago)

avatar MisCapasVivas

The blending is almost seemless on the cow/ horse, but coudlve gone a wee bit more smoother around the neck area by matching the colors/ lighting on the cows side.

And the shadows are near perfect too but the horns appear to have a double shadow effect going on/ appear to be a bit sharper than the rest of the shadows. (also i appreciate the cenorsing of the horses um...other worldly "member" )

I like it though!

(5 years and 2743 days ago)

Horse Cow
avatar MisCapasVivas

I like it but feel as if the shadows should've been worked on a bit to match the rest of the image. The DOF here is a little sketchy as well... Otherwise clever!

(5 years and 2743 days ago)

avatar MisCapasVivas

LOL funny!

One tiny peice of construtice critisim (the best kind, yay! :P) is that perhaps a light shadow casting upwards slighty to the left might make the mantle stick out less in a bad way and more so in a good way

(5 years and 2747 days ago)

This what happens when you drink and hunt
avatar MisCapasVivas

LOL I love unicows!

(5 years and 2747 days ago)
