One Eyed Alien
For: big lips contest
a warm foggy winter morning helped set this scene
For: one tree contest
A bit dull color-wise, I know, but otherwise an interesting picture that I wanted to share with you
For: birds 2 contest
Credits to auroradreams NefaroStock
For: killing time contest
For: nail varnish contest
after many click, think I finally got just the drip ?
For: nail varnish contest
For: urban decay contest
Missed the cut off for stick figures.... so put it here. LOL
I tried to convey the simple separation of emotions before the mixup of 'growing up' inevitably destroyed what we knew as children, with the good starting out on top.
I wanted to do something that would tell a story and use the two women to tell the story. I have a thing for fairytales and after going through the photos they provided, I thought of this.
... all ve happiness... all ve sadness... all ve tears... da black tears...
Elke and Amanda wish you both a great and happy birthday, may all your wishes come true :D
Used sources in the Contest Link Credit for the lyrics goes to Edison Lighthouse
Used sources in the Contest Link Credit for the wishes goes to Me :)