Fly awaaaaay... fly away

For: minimalism 2 contest
For: minimalism 2 contest
For: face closeup contest
A daily occurance! I'm too lazy to get gas until I really feel it necessary! lol
For: pxl letters contest
While shooting at my friends ranch I noticed this beaitiful cat with georgous eyes! It was immediatly attracted to the camera then just wanted a good back scratch. I made a friend! :)
For: dogme 95 contest
For: dogme 95 contest
For: night lights contest
For: night lights contest
This was the first year they had babies at the alligator farm. They are free go come and go as they please but as they are there they are well taken care of.
For: dogme 95 contest
For: pxl letters contest
For: water fun contest
This little baby raccoon was in the water by our dock and it seemed to be having trouble getting out of the water. We noticed that he/she had a broken leg and was only having the use of the other three. We believe it was attacked by an alligator. He/she was able to get out and I was calling every nu...
This is really out of focus on the guy and other spots but I really loved now the square shaped pipe thing he was spinning turned out. It was our first and so far ONLY trip to Vegas so I didn't want to delete anything. Even if it didn't turn out great.
For: suspension contest