Eowyn's Redemption

I did this about 5 to 6 years ago when I was just a wannabe on some other site, and didn't know what a pxleyes was. this can be Tin Eyed for proof.
I did this about 5 to 6 years ago when I was just a wannabe on some other site, and didn't know what a pxleyes was. this can be Tin Eyed for proof.
18x24 finger smudged oil pastels on paper *no reference* Blue-Period influence
For: picasso td contest
No reference used... I find myself more drawn to picasso's blue period, and that is what i was aiming to achieve with this piece. Done in oil pastels on velum bristol.
For: picasso td contest
These test pilots gave their lives to help perfect future design and further the safety of air travel for millions upon millions of travelers...
For: paper planes contest
Testing the Paper planes
For: paper planes contest
6am outside my local pub, the morning after an England World Cup game. 3 bracketed exposures merged in Photomatix. Desaturated and brightness decreased in Photoshop. No sources used - all my own photos.
For: trash contest
For: comic strips contest
Andrei-http://vishstudio.deviantart.com/ is a B.A.M.F.-http://sociobunneh.deviantart.com/ H Assaf-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/ortonesque Julia Starr-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/night_fate Seraphim-http://lotusii.deviantart.com/ gvalkyrie-http://gvalkyrie.deviantart.com/ Brian H-http://...
Honey I think we need to talk. Only the source image used
For: broken eggs contest
I am very happy it said no "living" creatures. As this is how I keep this, my grandfathers pocket watch displayed in my home. On the old bull skull. Its very tarnished, but I like it that way.
For: jewelry contest
Well I'm not sure if that shadow is weird enough for the contest, but I thought it looked like a string, not like a wire where it originated from.
Acrylics on canvas.....sorry bout the crappy sbs but I paint fast and as you can see lots of wet in wet. Its like....drop the brush, grab the camera, pick up the brush......
For: shipwrecks contest
Carnival fun
For: suspension contest
For: angles contest
She looks small....
For: comic strips contest