Elegant beauty....

painted in ps. No external sources used. Please see the sbs to see te complete process.
For: mixed manipulations 11 contest
painted in ps. No external sources used. Please see the sbs to see te complete process.
For: mixed manipulations 11 contest
...or Jealous of the Sun (I couldn't decide the title)
For: wisk contest
Only the source image is used, manipulated in Photoshop CS4
For: wisk contest
This is a train ticket for the local commuter train, better known as "Trax", taken on the train platform. How's that for DOF? ;-) And please, don't give me any crap for chewing my nails, OK?
For: tickets dof contest
after the rain
For: seasons contest
For: futuristic contest
For: futuristic contest
For: hobbies 2 contest
I've Been pumping some iron and looking huge!
For: rodents contest
Source used for robin, (details in SBS), and thank you's to darwin at flickr.com for the snow scene used for the background.
This is shot against a window, that's why the background is all white. I also used the levels to brighten up the picture.