White noise...

For: blown out contest
It helps if you start out goofy looking.
Intergalactic Hero at your service...
Richard James and Betty James invented the slinky in 1943. Richard James was a naval engineer trying to develop a meter designed to monitor horsepower on naval battleships. He was working with tension springs when one of the springs fell to the ground. He saw how the spring kept moving after it hit ...
For: birth year contest
I never thought I'd use my own name as an entry. This is my first digital drawing entry by the way.
My impression of the Grinch. Tripod and remote to get the shot. I paint everything, including me sometimes. And if I can use it to attract attention and more business....count on it!
For: impressions contest
I met a bartender who looked so much like Eddie Murphy,I asked him to sing ROXANNE for the camera
For: impressions contest
Written the year I was born.
For: birth year contest
my photo combined with source
For: white eggs contest
Credits to: expression-stock from DA for meerkats image
For: hairless contest
due to the lack of hair, our friend gets a little sunburned sometimes
For: hairless contest
Deep inside me A silent whisper in my mind Sweet surrender to Your love divine Peace enfolding In the stillness I empty my soul And Your healing presence flows -sixpence none the richer- the birds is from the former pic contest http://www.pxleyes.com/photoshop-contest/16084/gulls-att...
For: crosses contest
Although I am an atheist, I believe that religion is a great way to express art. So I made this in honor of handling the story of Christ's resurrection. I hope you enjoy.
For: crosses contest