now this is "time out"

For: two brothers contest
For: two brothers contest
For: cats td contest
drawn with woodless pencils of all hardness. drawn 2 years ago.
For: portraits td contest
For: two sisters contest
For: jewelry contest
For: orchids contest
For: birds contest
these were my grandfathers and great-grandfathers old bibles dating back to the 1800's
For: old school contest
Done in Acrylics
For: shipwrecks contest
woodless pencils and acrylic paint for the heart and chain. The only problem was I only had a very high textured paper
For: hearts td contest
For: hearts td contest
For: traditional mediums contest
watercolor paints (made up from imagination)
watercolors. (please view in High Res.)
For: excercise contest
People killing, people dying. Children hurtin'. hear them crying. Can you practice what you preach. Or would you turn the other cheek. Father, father, father help us...send some guidance from above...cause people got me questioning...Where Is the Love? by Black Eyed Peas
For: music td contest
For: valentine contest