chives in the garden

For: herbs contest
For: herbs contest
I began this a quite awhile ago...was just now able to complete it. I used only graphite pencil and a smudge tool for blending. I did this from my imagination and just worked on it a little at a time. Sorry...I do not have photos of the early stage of the drawing.
For: pencil td contest
doodled with the subject "light bulb and flowers" in mind. really makes no sense...just for fun ...used pencil
For: pencil td contest
my own version of a motorcycle...done in acrylic paint. anyone who knows motorcycles may look at this bike and say the motor looks strange, or the handlebars look odd for the body...I had to makeup some of it based on a few different it is a somewhat custom bike.
For: motorized td contest
changed over to sepia on iphoto
acrylic on black...from my own mind
For: eyes contest
used water colors
For: gardens contest
For: nose profile contest
graphite pencil...source was my own photo
acrylic on black paper
For: lighthouses contest
while watering my flowers the sun caught the spray and made a beautiful colorful photo
For: max color 2 contest
For: wings contest