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The reflections are too deep. It looks like everything is sitting on a 1" deep piece of reflective glass, especially the coaster under the teapot. It shouldn't really have any reflection at all due to its proximity to the tiled counter.
(5 years and 2989 days ago)Also, if the counter surface is so mirror reflective, why are the walls not reflecting anything at all?
The light source should be illuminating the top of the teapot, since it is above the pot and cups, but the top of the teapot is very hard to visually make out...
The overall composition of the components is nice, and the sugar bowl looks quite realistic.
Too noisy an outline around the writing, it distracts rather than attracts...
(5 years and 2989 days ago)Excellent job of having the photo visually "level," with all the variations of angles. Well done!
(5 years and 2989 days ago)You caught it at just the perfect moment. Well done!
(5 years and 2990 days ago)The distorted areas are very blurry looking, and the eyes look too much like stickers pasted on top, rather than integrated into the actual face. They have no depth, and look very flat.
(5 years and 2990 days ago)This is an imaginative concept, but the technical execution needs some work.
The smoke drifting by lends this photo a nice touch. Good job.
(5 years and 2990 days ago)Congrats on the well deserved win. Great imagination and a quality chop. Well done!!!
(5 years and 2990 days ago)The low quality of this image was proven out by it's ranking in the contest...
(5 years and 2990 days ago)While "fun" is the purpose of this site, thankfully there is still some desire for quality work.
This would have looked better with the road cropped off the bottom. It adds nothing to the picture.
(5 years and 2990 days ago)The SBS clearly states you did not draw the 'S', and it is not a common font, so where did you obtain it from?
(5 years and 2991 days ago)Considering that the 'S' is a Specialized font, I too would like to see its creation in the SBS...
(5 years and 2992 days ago)I asked a question, and considering the extreme "similarity," what better way to "check my facts," than asking???
(5 years and 2992 days ago)As for "next time" author, you can rest assured that I will just as quickly ask if I have a question, or if an image is as similar to one already published, as that can give someone an unfair advantage, which we wouldn't want, now would we???
This is also an EXCELLENT argument for why Contest Source Photos should be properly credited, since contest entry source photos have to be properly credited...Contest photos posted by Pxleyes are NEVER clearly attributed to the photographer, which is exactly how such questions regarding anonymity can arise...
Wasn't this photo used as a contest ref a while back???
(5 years and 2992 days ago)http://www.pxleyes.com/photoshop-contest/18547/abandoned-church.html
Kind of ruins the anonymity, don't you think?
Angry union, perhaps...Not that they would ever admit to it.
(5 years and 2992 days ago)Great angle of the photo, really captures all the action of the entire scene.
Too much negative space, especially on the left.
(5 years and 2992 days ago)Desaturating it really took a lot of "oomph" out of the picture. The Gazebo looks very drab and low contrast...
(5 years and 2992 days ago)Looks much better. Small adjustments can have a large effect. Great entry, good tribute to a wonderfully "cheesy" movie series!
(5 years and 2994 days ago)The blur just makes it look like a poor chop, it does not give the image any extra "ambience."
(5 years and 2995 days ago)I did not know there was a limit to the number of comments we can make on an image. If we notice something after an initial comment, I beleive we are allowed to make further comments, author...You always have the option to ignore them, or simply not allow public comments if you can't handle sharper eyes than yours noticing flaws in your work...
Judging from the title, I'd say an earthquake hit...
(5 years and 2996 days ago)Nice composition, you found a good angle for this photo.
(5 years and 2997 days ago)Beautiful color harmonies and contrasts. Very nice work!
(5 years and 2998 days ago)Would have been better if you'd had more pennies, and scattered them a bit, rather than silver coins in a pile...
(5 years and 2999 days ago)Great blending and consistent lighting. Good, fun chop!
(5 years and 3000 days ago)Great photo. Looks like the fish are leaving!
(5 years and 3001 days ago)The fact that the ends are cut off makes them 4 sided, not triangular. I'm with you, meatman.
(5 years and 3001 days ago)He looks a lot less happy in the drawing...
(5 years and 3002 days ago)LOL! How funny that you found one that combines both dislikes. Great texture, although the flash hurts this a tiny bit.
(5 years and 3002 days ago)I'm more curious about the hand holding the gun on the left...What kind of wedding cake topper was THAT?!???
(5 years and 3002 days ago)Great photo!
I see very little of the contest source in this.
(5 years and 3002 days ago)The lighting of the feathers is enchanting, with the tail illumination doing a wonderful job of separating bird and trees. It came out fine, really!
(5 years and 3002 days ago)Nice photo but it's too crooked, tilting strongly down to the right. I'd suggest leveling it out so the waters edge at the horizon is even.
(5 years and 3004 days ago)This is very romantic looking, like a postcard. Great timing.
(5 years and 3004 days ago)Wonderful angle! It looks so clean an unoccupied.
(5 years and 3004 days ago)Oooh, gotta ask - What ARE those, and do you have a recipe? LOL! Great photo!
(5 years and 3004 days ago)I don't understand. What connection is this to Christmas and what dislike is it illustrating?
(5 years and 3004 days ago)Much improved, it really has a great "Christmasy" feel to it now. Well done!
(5 years and 3005 days ago)Looks much better.
(5 years and 3005 days ago)What you are seeing is the barrel distortion of the camera lens. Having to choose between the two, I think the current (straightened) version is preferable.
If he was backlit, he wouldn't cast a shadow on the left side... Backlit means the subject is between the camera and the primary light source...
(5 years and 3005 days ago)Great capture, very dynamic!
(5 years and 3005 days ago)Is this pine honey? It's an odd color.
(5 years and 3005 days ago)This is truly stunning, I envy you being able to see something like this for real!
(5 years and 3005 days ago)The attitude of that duck really comes across! Nice shot.
(5 years and 3006 days ago)What are the multiple spots in the middle? Are they some type of lens flare? I've never seen one in that pattern before.
(5 years and 3007 days ago)I love the patterns in the dunes, and the overall composition is wonderful, but those spots are weird.
Would have been better if you'd shown the stilts you say she is on...
(5 years and 3007 days ago)Much improved from what you originally uploaded. Listening to the critiques offered will often help you improve your entry, so don't take them as an attack, take them in the spirit they are offered, which is to help you.
(5 years and 3007 days ago)Great capture, just the slightest splash. Looks yummy!
(5 years and 3008 days ago)The pink tones on the shoes bother me, but I'm not a fan of colorization ever since Ted Turner ruined so many movies back in the 80's...
(5 years and 3008 days ago)A bit too "middle of the road," without much clear contrast.
(5 years and 3008 days ago)Good visual flow. Nice photo.
(5 years and 3008 days ago)It's tilting somewhat hard to the right, I'd suggest leveling it a bit...
(5 years and 3008 days ago)