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The water looks frozen for winter, so no reflection would necessarily be seen, particularly if the sky is overcast...
(5 years and 3168 days ago)I would make the sky above summer a more intense cyan blue, to differentiate it from the overcast winter sky. Although there are summer clouds, they are obscuring too much summer sky, so you may have to replace some of them with a summer sky image cloned in.
Very creative concept.
Maybe it's a split-level mushroom house. It's taller than the one on the left...The window does not bother me half as much as the overly white eye, which looks too prominent and bulgy.
(5 years and 3168 days ago)I like this, even though minimalism is defined as "a style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme spareness and simplicity."
(5 years and 3168 days ago)It's the lack of tons of text that makes this minimalist to me. The Mayan calendar could possibly be stylized a bit more to make it even less detailed, but in this instance, I think it works fine as it is, since it shows no real depth. Perhaps lowering the saturation or opacity to make it blend into the background a bit more would help.
Nice entry.
It's visually busy, that's for sure...
(5 years and 3169 days ago)Us Potter fans recognized it instantly...I did, at least...
(5 years and 3169 days ago)I don't think a darker red with a bit of dripping color would be considered too violent for younger members here. We've had LOTS worse, remember the inflatable dog run over on the train tracks?!?
Great piece, I like the poor bird and bone collection...nice work!
(5 years and 3169 days ago)The movie isn't "the color gradient," tho...lolol!
(5 years and 3169 days ago)The "ridge" at the bottom is why I didn't think it was an egg. There is no warp in the glass there, so it looked like a weird green glob.
(5 years and 3169 days ago)The feather made me think it was an ink bottle, so the green glob could possibly be a lump of bad ink...Since the bottle is amber, a "green" egg shell is also a bit visually unguessable...jeez...
Unlike the SBS fanatics, I feel the image should effectively convey its message without having to be explained. I only check the SBS if I'm interested in how something was created...
It's a bit blurry, and the gray 'x' marks on the angel are somewhat distracting.
(5 years and 3169 days ago)EDIT: Looking better, now maybe you can do some enhancement on their hands. They look missing in this arm wrestling match...
Beautiful image, but I can't figure out what the green lump inside the bottle is supposed to be.
(5 years and 3169 days ago)Is that water in front of the bottle on the wood?
Very nice blending, but the sunset is not positioned properly for the shadows coming off the RH side of the wall...
(5 years and 3169 days ago)Author, please read the contest rules - What is the smurf's occupation and smurf name?
(5 years and 3169 days ago)The sea of clouds is cool!
(5 years and 3169 days ago)The faded oversized moon is problematic. It is too dark to work as a light source for the clouds, much less the image. If you want it that large, yes it will dominate the scene, but you need to have it at least as bright as the brightest clouds in your image for visual consistency.
This is a good monitor tester!
(5 years and 3169 days ago)The hex code for purple is #4D198D or 3F0584
My monitor shows this color to be 2d3091...Too blue, with not enough magenta...
But that could just be my monitor. I've posted the hex codes in case it's not me.
VERY nice correction. I like that you left the background black, and the panda eyes truly show up nicely now, in a very subtle, yet effective manner. Good luck!
(5 years and 3169 days ago)The light on the whale (above left) does not match the moon (beneath) or the monk (shadow beneath) or the wall (shadow to the left).
(5 years and 3169 days ago)Consistency of lighting is a basic, yet very important consideration to a good chop, regardless how "surreal" the concept may be.
The light on the whale (above) does not match the moon (beneath) or the monk (shadow beneath) or the wall (shadow to the left).
(5 years and 3169 days ago)Consistency of lighting is a basic, yet very important consideration to a good chop, regardless how "surreal" the concept may be.
The light on the whale (above) does not match the moon (beneath) or the monk (shadow beneath) or the wall (shadow to the left).
(5 years and 3169 days ago)Consistency of lighting is a basic, yet very important consideration to a good chop, regardless how "surreal" the concept may be.
Nice visual balance, good minimal yet effective communication of the concept. Nice work!
(5 years and 3169 days ago)It does have a bit more of a "burnt orange," rather than red air to it...But you need to make yourself happy more than CMYK46, so if you like this odd shade, stick with it...
(5 years and 3169 days ago)This is a great visual, but the placement of the light sabers bothers me, since they are not on the end of the star "arms," but placed somewhat in the middle, with the squared ends too obvious.
(5 years and 3169 days ago)Perhaps repositioning the stars slightly and placing them on top of the light sabers would help.
"Model Smurf" would be a better fit for the contest theme, "So do not for instance turn a gardener into a smurf but turn someone into 'Gardener Smurf'."
(5 years and 3169 days ago)Alhough Smurfette is the only smurf to not have just the name "smurf," "Smurfleigh" is not a good smurf name, because of the "leigh..."
Gads, a discussion on the finer points of naming those silly creatures!
By the way, I like the new background, I think it better suits your Entry Description.
Looking much better!
(5 years and 3169 days ago)This is uncomplicated, yet very well done, and visually appealing. Nice work!
(5 years and 3169 days ago)The pen tool is your friend...10 anchor points and you're done!
(5 years and 3169 days ago)I like the "cleaner" presentation. Much more effective.
They look a bit "anemic" for smurfs (more color!), but I like the concept!
(5 years and 3169 days ago)The clouds behind the globe should be slightly distorted, if only around the edges of the globe. They are too uniform at present.
(5 years and 3169 days ago)Here is a "glass orb" tutorial that might help you with the edges:
You need to provide either an SBS showing how you created this, or source links if you used other images to make it.
(5 years and 3169 days ago)Your explanation helps, but it also points out how ineffective the image is in conveying your concept...
(5 years and 3169 days ago)"...the lighthouse and the plant have just a little reflection, cause I didn't want them to be so realistic." - It's very difficult to have portions of a photographic image not look realistic, while other portions in the foreground and background do...Consistency is important.
"...the lower part of the woman's dress it is supposed to melt in the water" - this would have her dress either "dissolving," by increasing the translucence until it totally fades away, or "melting," by distorting the shape that is in the water.
"there is a a hot athmoshpere shown as well by the red and yellow hues around the clouds" - If that is so, the "glow would thoroughly permeate the clouds. Just a small spot of "heat" such as you have illustrated, does not give the atmosphere a sense of heat, so much as it looks like a bright light shining from within the cloud. Again, consistency is important, and "hot atmosphere" on top of cool water, and beneath cool sky does convey an unrealistic scene, but again, it is in contrast with too many other visual elements that oppose it.
Great job! That's fitting the contest description perfectly!
(5 years and 3169 days ago)The black lumps in the background are distracting, since it's hard to clearly make out what they are. The tool chest almost glows in contrast next to them, but great "egg feet" under it.
(5 years and 3170 days ago)Edit: THANK YOU! I would not have guessed those to be tires if you paid me. Now they show quite well.
Your shadows are still a bit inconsistent, as the open drawer shows a light shadow beneath it, signifying an overhead light source, while the lip on the bottom drawer shows a somewhat diagonal upper RH light source, and you then have a *too* strong shadow on the right, near the bottom, that is not applied to every other object in the scene.
Too visually busy with all the fonts, colors, and the weird shadows.
(5 years and 3170 days ago)"Less is more" when you're going for a minimalist effect.
The reflecftions in this entry need a LOT of work.
(5 years and 3170 days ago)The water is choppy, yet the reflections in the background are smooth, and the woman and plant have no reflections at all...
The light house is supposedly some distance from the vampire woman with no reflection, yet the reflection from it extends forwards all the way to the woman and her free-floating (yet unreflective) plant, which she is leaning on far too hard, considering it is not secure in the ground. She'll be falling over at any moment.
Maybe that's where the hope comes into play, she's hoping to get some support from that plant. :P
Very creative!
(5 years and 3170 days ago)But your edges are too sharp on the objects you have cut and pasted. Try using the blur tool at a low setting (20% or so) around the edges to help things blend together better.
I meant more like panda eye circles. These are kind of scary looking!
(5 years and 3170 days ago)The sun in the sky background does not match the lighting on the wall and the warrior, but a good blend of images.
(5 years and 3170 days ago)There's nothing to give a hint of a panda. Perhaps just some eye circles behind the scroll?
(5 years and 3171 days ago)This would have been even cuter in color, but really well done none the less.
(5 years and 3171 days ago)"This will be an amazing movie!"

(5 years and 3171 days ago)Not according to critical reviews and box office receipts. It's one of the summer's big duds.
Nice poster design, although the shade of green you've chosen isn't even close to GL's emerald...Kind of reflects the movie, though
Beautiful colors, but just too busy...There's so much going on, with no real focal point for the eye to rest upon, everything is the same intensity...Sometimes, less is more.
(5 years and 3172 days ago)I was talking about the extended glow from the other street light, which all "shine" far from the light. The sign (still crooked and askew - how is it mounted to the wall at that angle?!?) has no real glow at all extending past it. Inconsistent...
(5 years and 3172 days ago)Much better!
(5 years and 3172 days ago)The water looks a bit "blotchy," and uneven in color and texture. There are spots of dark, solid, blue and a couple swirls of solid white with blue blotches over them. Needs more work.
(5 years and 3172 days ago)There's nothing to give the black sheep any sense of "lord" or "overlord," or leader. He just looks really unhappy about being in the forest with the white sheep.
(5 years and 3172 days ago)If you want him as the "ringleader," you'll need more than just a cigarette. Maybe a crown, maybe a gangster suit with a flower in the lapel, maybe have him on a dais with the other sheep beneath him looking at him.
Just changing the background is not conveying your concept, you need to put a little more adjustment into it to visually establish the "pecking order" of the group.
Great concept, you have only one major flaw - the hand. It is opposite the reflection, and is still too "baby" like in appearance, not a grown woman's hand.
(5 years and 3172 days ago)You can probably find some stock image of a woman's left hand that you can insert into the image.
Other than that, nice work!
Good concept, but too "busy," visually. Check out some of the other entries to get a better idea of the minimalist concept.
(5 years and 3173 days ago)Perhaps just the DNA strand with a break in the middle, rather than the somewhat complicated composition you now have...
There is a distracting "leaf" above her head to the left (as viewed) that is "chopped off," rather than tapered like the rest. Otherwise, this is a truly lovely chop.
(5 years and 3173 days ago)Love the subtle contrast. Well done!
(5 years and 3173 days ago)Edit: I liked the original version better...
Needs a couple of diamonds on the road or somewhere in the image...Or maybe a toothbrush or dental sign...lol!
(5 years and 3173 days ago)Nice entry.
Try singing the "oompa loompa" song, it should override the "powerpuff girls" earworm - although then you'll be stuck with "oomp-a loomp-a doopity do, I've got another question for you..." LOL!
(5 years and 3173 days ago)