Busy Corner

Busy corner is very common view in the city life
Busy corner is very common view in the city life
Off to save Metropolis once again (or, off to embarrass his kids again by running around the neighborhood in a cape like a lunatic!) :-p
For: camera run contest
Books 1-http://jinxmim.deviantart.com/art/Worn-Books-257669011?q=gallery%3Ajinxmim%2F29608347&qo=14 Books 2-http://jinxmim.deviantart.com/art/Gilt-Books-257667478?q=gallery%3Ajinxmim%2F29608347&qo=15 Books 3-http://jinxmim.deviantart.com/art/Black-Globe-Set-200177163?q=gallery%3Ajinxmim%2F...
For: owl face contest
my daughter taking a photo of cows.
For: biter bit contest
My wife saw some entries in this contest and had the great idea of entering her cat teapot collection. Some of these are fairly old, going back to the 1930's and 40's. She has more than this, but we were limited to 25. One lone doggie in the center. :-)
Driving to the doggy park.
For: pet sideview contest
For: pet sideview contest
I discovered this road and this beautiful fall colors while out on a bike ride
For: autumn 2 contest
Horse Creek, Tennessee
For: autumn 2 contest
These little guys are very alert and probably will give up the occupancy of this box very soon.
For: occupied contest
I used ND400 filter to capture the photo, rendering the moving objects to appears as blurry line. Fortunately, the girl waiting for the red light to be green was standing patiently that made her appear sharp. The image was then post processed by using blending mode to further enhance it
For: tiny subject contest
For: tiny subject contest
Bittersweet vine in the Fall.
For: autumn 2 contest
For: autumn 2 contest
When I'm feeling sad I simply remember my favorite things And then I don't feel so bad
For: favorite things 2 contest
For: squash contest