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For: rubber ducks contest
For: rubber ducks contest
For: dill flower contest
Before it's too late! Cut and paste with Hue and Saturation color adjustment and some cloning.
For: bald celebs contest
For: camel mask contest
Simple cut and paste, with cloning for cup and sign.
For: elephant contest
Just cut and paste of the contest source, with the woman extracted and placed on the background, and then various bird elements placed onto her, and the apple color adjusted.
For: exotic bird contest
An experiment with Painter's Mosaic function.
For: manuka contest
Fun in the sun!
For: kavia bowl contest
No planes or trains, just automobiles.
For: minimalist poster contest
For the "Cheeseburger in Paradise Cafe" restaurant menu, the client wanted their signature burger on a plate, with all the fixin's... Cut, paste, and Clone Tool.
For: cheeseburger contest
For: shout contest
Headed home from a stag party...
For: buck skull contest
For: young again contest
After the Great Sorrow, scientists devised protective Dome Encasements for many metropolitan areas. These extended well underground, and were totally self-sustaining, with nuclear fusion reactors and water capture and recycle reservoirs. When the planet core fractured, these "potted populations...
For: train tracks contest
Desaturation of face images, with simple Cut & Paste and Layer Blend Mode changes. A little Liquify to emphasize the baby's smile, and a bit of touch up painting to even tones.
For: tomato contest
Just cut and paste, with a bit of painting for the signs.