43 comments given:
avatar MrsCooper
MrsCooper says:


(5 years and 3498 days ago)

Dust Storm
avatar MrsCooper
MrsCooper says:

Is it strip lighting...? Lovely shot author... right on subject!

(5 years and 3502 days ago)

avatar MrsCooper
MrsCooper says:

Friiskiwi got it in one...

(5 years and 3502 days ago)

avatar MrsCooper
MrsCooper says:

This is an upside sign... Not really that confusing... But a great shot!!!

(5 years and 3502 days ago)

avatar MrsCooper
MrsCooper says:

I'm just confused as to the fact that the competition asks for something that makes the viewer wonder what it is... Half the pictures in this competition are bloody obvious... This is a man with a butterfly in his mouth... I am confused as to why one would want to put a butterfly in one's mouth but not what it is... ????

(5 years and 3502 days ago)

Can u do like this ?
avatar MrsCooper
MrsCooper says:

Lovely... Just Lovely... has the feeling of German Expressionism...

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

avatar MrsCooper
MrsCooper says:

"Sunday Dress" ? Is this the eighteen hundreds?

(5 years and 3553 days ago)

avatar MrsCooper
MrsCooper says:


(5 years and 3586 days ago)

Breaking through.
avatar MrsCooper
MrsCooper says:

This is the first image I've seen for this catagory and already it's my favourite! Fantastic!!!!

(5 years and 3651 days ago)

avatar MrsCooper
MrsCooper says:

I love this... Nicely lit and focused... Jolly well done!

(5 years and 3657 days ago)

avatar MrsCooper
MrsCooper says:

Nice idea, bad execution...

(5 years and 3657 days ago)

Alice and the Rabbit
avatar MrsCooper
MrsCooper says:

Cabbages and kings! Nice...

(5 years and 3657 days ago)

Vital Topics
avatar MrsCooper
MrsCooper says:

The little doll needs a wash!

(5 years and 3657 days ago)

Curiouser and Curiouser
avatar MrsCooper
MrsCooper says:

Nice idea as a craft project, not so sure if it's a great photo though... Bit too literal...literally!

(5 years and 3657 days ago)

Tea party
avatar MrsCooper
MrsCooper says:

This is just lovely! Like something by Cicely Mary Barker.

(5 years and 3769 days ago)

Learning new Tricks