473 comments given:
avatar MyMindsEye

HDR and rust are just made for each other.
Nicely done, Author.

(5 years and 1093 days ago)

Rusty Buick
avatar MyMindsEye

Terrific American Iron w/really nice patina'd finish.
Well seen! A Top pick for me
Good luck, Author.

(5 years and 1093 days ago)

avatar MyMindsEye

Another nice entry. Well presented low key treatment.
Good job!

(5 years and 1093 days ago)

avatar MyMindsEye

Nicely presented. Border works well and contributes to the overall look.
Especially like that it adheres to the theme of Brand/Logo and not an Ornament
like some here.

(5 years and 1093 days ago)

KIA  -  South Korea
avatar MyMindsEye

Really nice, this one.
Well composed with great balance and coloring.
The HDR processing is well done and adds super eye appeal (IMHO)
Good luck, Author.

(5 years and 1094 days ago)

Days End
avatar MyMindsEye

A terrific concept and capture for this theme.
Well done!

(5 years and 1115 days ago)

avatar MyMindsEye

Very nice entry. Great subject, exceptional light and a perfect scene for this rendering.
Good job Author.

(5 years and 1235 days ago)

Old School
avatar MyMindsEye

Well lit, Nice Bokeh.
Good luck, Author

(5 years and 1248 days ago)

Tonights dinner
avatar MyMindsEye

Nicely presented.
Well done, Author.

(5 years and 1248 days ago)

avatar MyMindsEye

Congrats on the Top Spot.
Well done!

(5 years and 1253 days ago)

Wellcome 2 Mosquitoland
avatar MyMindsEye

Congrats on the Top Spot!!
Nice work.

(5 years and 1253 days ago)

avatar MyMindsEye

Congrats on Third!
A great capture of the legs paired to form X

(5 years and 1253 days ago)

Yellow Garden Spider
avatar MyMindsEye

Congrats on 2nd place.
Good show!

(5 years and 1253 days ago)

Building plans
avatar MyMindsEye

Nice perspective w/ great bokeh.
Good luck, Author

(5 years and 1255 days ago)

avatar MyMindsEye

Looks like a lazy K to me.

(5 years and 1255 days ago)

Fence Posts
avatar MyMindsEye

Interesting subject & composition.
Visually appealing abstract in HDR.
Well seen, Author

(5 years and 1269 days ago)

avatar MyMindsEye

Very nice!
Great light and composition.
All well suited for the HDR effect.
Well done, Author. Good luck.

(5 years and 1269 days ago)

avatar MyMindsEye

Very nice.

(5 years and 1270 days ago)

BierKeller. A piece of Germany in Minsk.
avatar MyMindsEye

Great choice in B/W for this. Has a penciled illustration feel.
Well done, Author!

(5 years and 1270 days ago)

Lazy Leo
avatar MyMindsEye

Nicely done!

(5 years and 1270 days ago)

avatar MyMindsEye

Love this. Subject(s) well suited for the HDR treatment and exactly what is expected for this theme.
Very well done!

Good luck, Author

(5 years and 1270 days ago)

avatar MyMindsEye

Computer Humor... I love it!!!!

(5 years and 1324 days ago)

Dumb Mouse
avatar MyMindsEye

Very unique and quite creative. Excellent work with composition, focus and light.
Top choice for me!
Good luck, Author.

(5 years and 1324 days ago)

Surreal Painting
avatar MyMindsEye

Nicely composed, processed and presented. Well done, Author!

(5 years and 1436 days ago)

Entry number 95625
avatar MyMindsEye

A great macro of the bee, but the bee should not be the central subject and focus should be on the flower(which is OoF.
IMHO, I would say this is off theme and you may want to use this image in an upcoming contest for Insects or Macros and such.

(5 years and 1441 days ago)

avatar MyMindsEye

A marvelous image well suited for this theme. Love the "grapes in the drop", a fine detail that gives the photo context. Well done, Author.

(5 years and 1444 days ago)

Drop hanging off a grape shoot.
avatar MyMindsEye

A magnificent capture to be sure but, to me, its more about the water than the balloon.(Not much Balloon left). Marginal for the theme IMHO.

(5 years and 1455 days ago)

Bird on a Branch
avatar MyMindsEye

The subject is Ok but the overall composition is poor. Straightening the horizon and perhaps cropping the the ring to the lower right corner might rescue this image.
Good luck.

(5 years and 1456 days ago)

Life Buoy
avatar MyMindsEye

Clever take on the topic.

(5 years and 1458 days ago)

avatar MyMindsEye

Nicely captured mood.
Well done.

(5 years and 1467 days ago)

Monastery Cell
avatar MyMindsEye

Beautiful coloring and detail but the severe tilt to the horizon spoils a fine photo IMHO.

(5 years and 1467 days ago)

Vibrant Sunrise
avatar MyMindsEye

Nice capture! Im not sure B/W is the best presentation for this work as Im sure the color version is spectacular but, the composition and sharpness is quite nice.
Good luck, Author

(5 years and 1470 days ago)

Morning Sky
avatar MyMindsEye

Nice concept well executed.
Good luck.

(5 years and 1484 days ago)

Nailed It!
avatar MyMindsEye

Very cool!

(5 years and 1491 days ago)

Oil and water
avatar MyMindsEye

Love the perspective. Great choice for the HDR treatment.
Good luck, Author

(5 years and 1491 days ago)

After rain
avatar MyMindsEye

Very funny. The HDR brings out the comical features nicely. Well done!

(5 years and 1491 days ago)

Weird Friends
avatar MyMindsEye

Casualty of using the wrong tool for the job.

(5 years and 1494 days ago)

The Loser
avatar MyMindsEye

Very nice B/W portrait but lacks any characteristics of HDR and there for, off theme (IMHO).

(5 years and 1498 days ago)

Maia The Cat
avatar MyMindsEye

Same as me! I have never had this problem.

(5 years and 1514 days ago)

Entry number 94463
avatar MyMindsEye

Very colorful!
Well seen!

(5 years and 1528 days ago)

What time would you like?
avatar MyMindsEye

Good eye, Author.
Spot on this theme.
Good luck

(5 years and 1531 days ago)

avatar MyMindsEye

Very festive!
Happy New Year to You too!
Good luck, Author

(5 years and 1542 days ago)

avatar MyMindsEye


(5 years and 1542 days ago)

avatar MyMindsEye

Very nice. Perfect example for this theme.
Good luck, Author

(5 years and 1542 days ago)

avatar MyMindsEye

Good job!

(5 years and 1542 days ago)

avatar MyMindsEye

Well done, Author

(5 years and 1542 days ago)

How colored
avatar MyMindsEye

Nicely captured

(5 years and 1542 days ago)

Beach party
avatar MyMindsEye

How did you get the spoon to stay still so the Dog wouldn't fall off?
Good Dog, Max!

(5 years and 1543 days ago)

avatar MyMindsEye

Simple perfection!
Good luck, Author.

(5 years and 1543 days ago)

avatar MyMindsEye

Great job, Well done.

(5 years and 1543 days ago)
