8 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar Marc Muller

Well observed!
But then, if the shadow is produced by the sun, shouldn't be the shadow more blurry? If I look at the shadows of the trees in front of my house, they are blurry, I can't see every single leaf's shadow precisely... Anyway! Thanks for the discussion...

(5 years and 2547 days ago)

avatar Marc Muller

I don't wanna be an pain in the a*?!, but I think pikkar is right on this. Haven't you ever played with the shadow of your hands on a wall, by creating animal shapes, like a dog or a birdl? If you do so, you'll notice that the closer you get to the wall, the smaller the shadow of your hands is, the farer you are, the bigger the shadow. So in this case, the shadow of the bird should be bigger, the higher it flies... Anyway, I like your entry! Good luck!!

(5 years and 2551 days ago)

avatar pikkar
pikkar says:

different perspective!!! ya the bug on ground is bigger than the bird near the cam or eyes!! you have to make it reverse next time just think of it when you draw

(5 years and 2556 days ago)

avatar Cellesmiles

The different perspective makes a lovely change. Love it!

(5 years and 2557 days ago)

avatar iquraishi
iquraishi says:

nice.. I really liked the the perspective and the CPs expressions.. kinda reminds me of the movie Rango..

(5 years and 2558 days ago)

no avatar

My mom had these glass mugs, I forget what they're called. Had a nice floral pattern etched into them. I have a set now. But she always made our hot chocolate in them. That's what this reminds me of. Because I've never seen anyone else drink hot drinks out of a clear, glass cup before other than me and my mom. Nice render.

(5 years and 2972 days ago)

A Cup Of Coffee
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

I thought i allready commented but it seems not there so ill retype it. The material of the cup is too thick to really enjoy drinking from, the ear of the cup sems a bit small to me ) good render though, looks good to me

(5 years and 2972 days ago)

A Cup Of Coffee
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

i think the cup material is a bit thick, it wont be really pleasant to drink from a cup with such a thick border and the ear seems a bit small other then that it looks good

(5 years and 2972 days ago)

A Cup Of Coffee