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Congrats! Great entry!!! This was really beautiful.
(5 years and 3832 days ago)congrats!
(5 years and 3832 days ago)wow, nice to see an entry that actually follows the title of this contest... creative FISHTANKS.. not creative fish eyedroppers, or creative fish oil pills. XD anyway, if i had fish, and i saw this 'fishtank' i would probably buy it. nice work!
(5 years and 3833 days ago)Just great! The mood is wonderful, just as the whole composition. Good luck!
(5 years and 3833 days ago)adorable.
(5 years and 3834 days ago)good take on the theme. nice job on the micro.. however, i think i will keep my pets awAy from you just the same, if you dont mind. : )
(5 years and 3834 days ago)Need to agree with Eladine. Good job...right on theme!
(5 years and 3834 days ago)omg............ i feel bad that i just re-heated pizza lol ( extra anchovies please)
(5 years and 3834 days ago)really like the idea but the fish and bubbles on the outside of the microwave kinda is to me a bit overdone it takes away the focus from i nside the microwave
(5 years and 3834 days ago)you are weird author.... absolutely brilliant.. but still coo coo bananas.. marvelous mind
You amaze me

(5 years and 3834 days ago)EDIT: WOW!!!!! would have never guessed
great work!
(5 years and 3836 days ago)I like the little details and the light source, feel like a real old classic home. well done!!
(5 years and 3836 days ago)great work!!
(5 years and 3836 days ago)Nice mood, scale problems...
(5 years and 3836 days ago)Love it, love it, love it!!!
Can I say it again? : L-O-O-O-V-E it
(5 years and 3836 days ago)I'M NOT DUSTING THAT ROOM... hehehehehe... you'd need a snow shovel (fairy dust) shovel to clean it... Beautiful work (it reminds me of the movie Matilda)
(5 years and 3836 days ago)wow terrific
(5 years and 3836 days ago)Looks awsome
(5 years and 3836 days ago)i love the lighting effect and overall feel of the image.very rich
(5 years and 3836 days ago)o.o; its like im in the middle of the story shes reading, when i look at your image :P fantastic a few observations.. it does give the image a magical effect but the highlights on the bookbands i wodner what light creates that? all lights come from behind the books on the floor right? some edges are a tat sharp and could use a lil touch with a soft blur brush, the piece of cloth comming from the basket , the part laying on the floor really looks odd like parts are cut off or something o.o; anyways high score though
(5 years and 3836 days ago)Looks like an amazing room to me! Very good job author.
(5 years and 3836 days ago)beautifully detailed image, some fantastic work here
(5 years and 3836 days ago)If you flip the background pic, it will have the same lightsource as the foreground. Good luck!
(5 years and 3850 days ago)Congrats!
(5 years and 3851 days ago)they really look fluffy
I love that!!!
(5 years and 3852 days ago)These baloons are the sweetest i've ever seen. Very good idea!
(5 years and 3852 days ago)Ahh i thought you had used the money bags as the hot air baloons.. ahh well, very, very nice mood
(5 years and 3852 days ago)Congratulations for 3rd, nice
(5 years and 3852 days ago)Congratulations, my dear friend!

(5 years and 3853 days ago)congrats
(5 years and 3853 days ago)congratulations on a fantastic entry!
(5 years and 3853 days ago)Congrats!
(5 years and 3853 days ago)Congrats for your third place, Cornelia! The more I look at it, the more I can hear the music
(5 years and 3853 days ago)amazing! really great work and very good use of the source image

(5 years and 3855 days ago)Great drama
good use of the pig's expression. She còuld look a bit more to her poor little piggies, maybe it would help already if you'd put her head a bit higher and rotate a bit clockwise (there will be a gap in the neck under, but you can use anothe rpart of the body to solve that). If you blur the pattern of the umbrella a bit more it'll fit better with the background (which is also a bit blurry). Good luck!
(5 years and 3855 days ago)congrats
(5 years and 3855 days ago)Looks like bird heaven! Very nice.
(5 years and 3856 days ago)This MUST have come from the dream time! Love it.
(5 years and 3856 days ago)Holy Merry-Go-Round Batman! She needs to be in the next movie!
(5 years and 3856 days ago)Very nice idea... love the overall mood.
(5 years and 3856 days ago)lovely use of the "surreal" style.
(5 years and 3856 days ago)great thinking out of the box when using the source author.
(5 years and 3856 days ago)Great work
(5 years and 3856 days ago)will that super pig can rescue them
(5 years and 3857 days ago)really awesome!
(5 years and 3857 days ago)very stormy weather..
(5 years and 3857 days ago)hehehe.. you forgot the fourth evil.. hehehe.. but the grass is covering it up.. LOL.. great job on this one
(5 years and 3857 days ago)Good image. If you can fix the transparent grass, it'll be better...
(5 years and 3858 days ago)good idea!
(5 years and 3858 days ago)great one!
(5 years and 3858 days ago)