Chrome Sparkle

Took pic at 2007 car show.
For: chrome contest
Took pic at 2007 car show.
For: chrome contest
One of our favorite halloween decoration.
Airboat fleet at the end of the day.
Took a bunch of shots before the sun went down. I was out fish but nice shots.
Bright sun,blue skies and the shadow of the house falling over the valley.
I shot this behind my son's house on a clear night.
For: the moon contest
I shot this with my cell phone as I was going by in my vehicle. An old store from the Redlands farming area.I love this structures..
For: driveby contest
Took this pic on my blackberry while on my bike out in the glades. But I didn't submit the photo to my facebook untill I pulled over. Man everyone thought I was doing it while driving and I recieved tons of "..what are you doing?, ...,stop that ...your going to get killed.....!" Yea like ...
For: driveby contest
Beautiful sunny day at the beach. I was taking pics of waves gently rolling on to the shore while birds were playing in them. I took a shot of the wave itself because the white water looked like bath foam.
I was taking a lot of pictures at a party which included a few of my friend here. I was so busy that I didn’t realize what I had caught. It turned out that a week prior to that party her husband had asked her for a divorce. I never had a clue… until I saw the shot. I could only guess at...
For: candid shots contest
The pictures are of my brother, his wife, and family ...encased in clutter. After 15 years of genealogical research, I not only discovered I had a brother but found all his children and their families. But by the I time contacted them, he had passed away. This was supposed to be a special area with...
For: framed photo contest
A picture I took. The door is approximately 375 years old and came from a monastery in the Pyrenees Mountains. Made of hand carved walnut backed with oak, it still retains its original hand wrought iron fittings. It is the front entrance to the historic Plymouth Congrgational Church in Coconut Grove...
For: knock knock contest
A photo I took of a statue in the wall of the historic Plymouth Congregational Church in Coconut Grove,Fl
For: religion contest