Key West Christmas Card

Curry Mansion Inn in Key West. Took one of my pictures and turned it into a watercolor and a postcard. I love the place went there for my 25th anniversary.
Curry Mansion Inn in Key West. Took one of my pictures and turned it into a watercolor and a postcard. I love the place went there for my 25th anniversary.
You have to keep an eye out for these guys here in Florida.They're always looking for a snack. Specialthanks to Flickr,CGAphoto for gator pic and kalleboo for the letter pic. The letter is addressed to Mr. Alley Gator
For: mailboxes contest
Hard at work. Special thanks to NASA,Wikipedia and Flickr especially James Wheare.
For: beach shops contest
An artist never really finishes his work, he merely abandons it. Paul Valery Yea and here's one possible reason why! Thanks to Flickr and to the following artists: Richard Cocks, Daveness_98's, and matysek
For: quotes contest
I flipped at least two sections in the pic. Thank you goes to Flikr and the the photographer Tony the Misfit for the use of his image.
For: upside down contest
Cut and layered individual kiwi pieces. Distorted and skewed images then blended in. Special thanks and acknowledgement to flickr and spettacolopuro for the use of that award winning photo.
For: kiwis contest
Turned pics into black & whites. Layered and positioned all pics. Blended in layers Credit goes to Flickr and its creative commons area and the photographer "stevendepolo" for the use of the girl image. Credit also goes to photographer Roy Tenant for his pic.
Natural selection is one of the basic mechanisms of evolution, along with mutation, migration, genetic drift and eviction!
For: turtle shell contest
For: acorn contest